Chat by Siropu

Chat by Siropu [Paid] 1.25.1

No permission to buy (€29.99)
@Siropu When using the all pages mode, some of the chats links eg usernames don't show because of a css clash with my style using, the same goes for the settings button and that:
.pageFooter a {
color: #FFF;

is there anyway to force the chats style to use its own links color?
Screen Shot 2015-07-26 at 09.22.18.webp
none of option not works on my forum when change it in ACP

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  • Chat Page Only
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This is still happening... Did you make the change to the username justification? Why does the username go like this when videos are pasted or images... Is it possible to have messages justified but not the username?

Screen Shot 2015-07-26 at 20.05.48.webp
@gldtn, probably not. Using Template Modifications System with some if/else can do the trick. :)

@Carla Birch, try this in EXTRA.CSS .siropuChatAllPages #siropuChatMessages a, #siropuChatBar a {color: #your color !important}

@ŽivaAkcija, if you have enabled the permission "Change Display Mode" and you have changed the position for your chat session, it will use your own settings instead of what you have set in ACP.

@Scharesoft, nice. You are welcome. :)

@markku, add this in EXTRA.css .siropuChatContentLeft {text-align: left !important;} The message text container is a span element and justify doesn't seem to work with it alone so I've add it to the parent container instead.

@Dylan V, yes, because if you have more than 1 page opened where the chat is active, you will get multiple sound notifications. Have you tried the "Enable new message window blink alert" admin option?
Siropu, could we get a permission for number of rooms to create? I want a certain usergroup to be able to create just 1 room only.
@Dylan V, yes, because if you have more than 1 page opened where the chat is active, you will get multiple sound notifications. Have you tried the "Enable new message window blink alert" admin option?
Okay, I understand now. It's possible to make it optional? Because sometimes I'm working on my PC and I'm not necessarily on my browser, so I need to hear the sound when a new message is sent. I think that people may need it, so make it optional would be great. :)

Also, I've noticed that this bug has not been corrected.

Bug: The output of /me cannot be reported. This should be reportable and the message should be attached to the user issuing the command.

I love this addon btw

Siropu, could we get a permission for number of rooms to create? I want a certain usergroup to be able to create just 1 room only.
Totally agree with this.

I also want room creators to have the power to kick people from their own room.
@Solidus, sure.
Okay, I understand now. It's possible to make it optional?
I'm sorry, I don't think I will add an option for this. If you want I can show you how to achieve that by simply removing a variable from the JS file.
As for the other thing, It has been fixed. I don't see that problem anymore on my end.

@Shiro, if I implement the /kick command, it wouldn't be to hard to implement a permission for room authors to use it.
@Solidus, sure.

I'm sorry, I don't think I will add an option for this. If you want I can show you how to achieve that by simply removing a variable from the JS file.
As for the other thing, It has been fixed. I don't see that problem anymore on my end.

@Shiro, if I implement the /kick command, it wouldn't be to hard to implement a permission for room authors to use it.
that would be AMAZING
Hi, @Siropu,

I've a suggestion and a bug. It's possible to add a "Help" link as you did for the chat rules? People don't necessarily know the "/help" command and I think that it would be useful to make it optional. :)

When a guest can see the chat, but has not the permission to use it, he can see the "Tag User" tooltip who shouldn't be there:


I'm sorry, I don't think I will add an option for this. If you want I can show you how to achieve that by simply removing a variable from the JS file.
Yes, can you show me?

As for the other thing, It has been fixed. I don't see that problem anymore on my end.

Yes, my mistake.
I've noticed another bug. It's about the sound notification. If you have enabled the chat page and that you've the sound notification enabled, a sound will be sent a few seconds after that you're on the chat page. The sound is sent while there's no new messages. It's sent whenever you refresh the page. You can reproduce this bug, @Siropu.
I've noticed another bug. It's about the sound notification. If you have enabled the chat page and that you've the sound notification enabled, a sound will be sent a few seconds after that you're on the chat page. The sound is sent while there's no new messages. It's sent whenever you refresh the page. You can reproduce this bug, @Siropu.
The sound doesn't play for me when page loads. This was a problem with an older version but with the other display modes. What browser are you using at the moment?
The sound doesn't play for me when page loads. This was a problem with an older version but with the other display modes. What browser are you using at the moment?
I'm on Chrome, but I've tried also on Firefox. Have you tried with several different accounts?
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