Chat by Siropu

Chat by Siropu [Paid] 1.25.1

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ist there a way to set the message background color of the member they view the chat to a other color as ALL other messages from other members?

odd / even change the color not the way I search for. Is there a "own" or so instead?

What I search is a background look like WhatsApp. Only my own background color is other than all others backgrund color.
Find: class="{$message.class} in siropu_chat_messages template.

Replace with: {$message.class}{xen:if '{$message.user_id} == {$visitor.user_id}', ' chatIsSelf', ''}

Then add In EXTRA.css:
    padding: 5px;
    border-radius: 4px;
    background: gray;

I changed the line from:
<li id="{$message.message_id}" class="{$message.class}
    {xen:if 'in_array({$visitor.username}, {$message.message_tagged})', ' siropuChatTagged', ''}
    {xen:if '{$message.is_error}', ' chatBotError', ''}"


<li id="{$message.message_id}" class="{$message.class}
    {xen:if '{$message.user_id} == {$visitor.user_id}', ' chatIsSelf', ''}
    {xen:if 'in_array({$visitor.username}, {$message.message_tagged})', ' siropuChatTagged', ''}
    {xen:if '{$message.is_error}', ' chatBotError', ''}"

and add in Extra.CSS:
    padding: 5px;
    border-radius: 4px;
    background: yellow;

But the Chat looks as bevor:
The arrow points on my message after the changes and a page relaod with CTRL+F5 in Chrome browser. Its not a yellow background... but it should. An Idea what I doing wrong please?
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Also, if the color change work, it would be nice to see this change:

So members can better see whats there own stuff and what the stuff from other chat members.

... a litle bit more like WhatsApp it does. ;) :D
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I changed the line from:
<li id="{$message.message_id}" class="{$message.class}
    {xen:if 'in_array({$visitor.username}, {$message.message_tagged})', ' siropuChatTagged', ''}
    {xen:if '{$message.is_error}', ' chatBotError', ''}"


<li id="{$message.message_id}" class="{$message.class}
    {xen:if '{$message.user_id} == {$visitor.user_id}', ' chatIsSelf', ''}
    {xen:if 'in_array({$visitor.username}, {$message.message_tagged})', ' siropuChatTagged', ''}
    {xen:if '{$message.is_error}', ' chatBotError', ''}"

and add in Extra.CSS:
    padding: 5px;
    border-radius: 4px;
    background: yellow;

But the Chat looks as bevor:
View attachment 211281
The arrow points on my message after the changes and a page relaod with CTRL+F5 in Chrome browser. Its not a yellow background... but it should. An Idea what I doing wrong please?
Ok, a simple !important makes it work:
    padding: 5px;
    border-radius: 4px;
    background: yellow !important;
I see the problem in the developer console... Thanks for your code snippet. :)
This change should be default, works great:
But ... nothing without a but - if the chatbot call me/my name in a chat notice, the notice is also in the color of my own messages. Its tolerable but better way is, the chatbot has its own colors. I will take a look at this...
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I am a little bit wider ... now it looks like a good Chat:
1569835400423.webp 1569835419540.webp
So the chat member quickly can see what are the own and what the other messages. :)

The only point that's not optimal now, is the picture upload with this ugly way who the member have to double select the pics (one time bevor uploading and one time after uploading)...
recently got this one and your 2.x version, great work! Just a question about the 1.x version. I have a style using itemcount on the chat tab for other areas, so moving the chat tab bubble upwards breaks my other itemcount bubbles. If I wanted to manipulate the chat tab itemcount to use it's own css how would I go about that? Thanks!
Anyone know where to change the color when a user it tagged in the chat? the color is a yellowish and I have a black background. Cant read the chat.snip


  • Capture.webp
    6.2 KB · Views: 12
Use Chrome, press F12 and than "Elements" and point the mouse over it. Now you see the CSS classes and her settings. This is what you can now search in your Xenforo Chat templates.
Without reading the 189 pages... I have a HUGE question...

Can you permanently archive ALL CHATS instead of pruning and deleting forever?

If you can archive everything, I may be on board with this... any insight? @Siropu
Anyone know where to change the color when a user it tagged in the chat?
It is a Style property called "Message row user mention".

If I wanted to manipulate the chat tab itemcount to use it's own css how would I go about that?
Look in Chat style properties.

Can you permanently archive ALL CHATS instead of pruning and deleting forever?
You can export them in a thread using the /export command
Hello, is there any option to disable all formate options (color, bbcode, smilies, etc.) so there will be just only one line for writing text?
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