Chat by Siropu

Chat by Siropu [Paid] 1.25.1

No permission to buy (€29.99)
You can use the user option "Maximized Mode" or globally using chat style properties "Content Container" with a custom height.
If you are referring to the color of your messages, you have the option in the chat users Options.
If you want to change it globally, go to Admin > Appearance > Style Properties > Chat > "Rooms & Messages Container"
If you are referring to the color of your messages, you have the option in the chat users Options.
If you want to change it globally, go to Admin > Appearance > Style Properties > Chat > "Rooms & Messages Container"
sorry Mr Siropu but the color option is not visible i have give the permession but the color bouton not showing
I'm not referring to the user group permissions. There is also an admin option "Enable colored messages" in Admin > Options > Chat
So I had a lag and Siropu told me to edit the "Refresh chatters list every x seconds" and "Update session every x seconds". I did that to 30 seconds and it fixed my lag issues. Thank you @Siropu
All chat phrases are prefixed with siropu_chat_
You can find them in Admin > Appearance > Phrases
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