Chat 2 by Siropu

Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.1

No permission to buy (€29.99)
Bit of a problem.

Trying to run /prune all or /prune. Getting a "You don't have permission to use this command", despite clearly having permission.

Have rebuilt user permissions and cache and same problem. Works fine as admins however not moderators.
Go to ACP > Chat > Commands > prune and select moderator groups under "Enable for selected user groups".
Nailed it :) Thanks again.

Out of interest, is there any way to make the menu system smaller?


Admin permissions are set as:


Yet they can also edit rules and ads despite that setting.
Yes, but since it doesn't have a custom selector, it will target all menus.

.menu .menu-content
     max-height: 300px;
     overflow: auto;

The permissions are checked correctly. Use the permission analyzer and see where the issue is.
Thanks Siropu.

Ami I correct in saying that if those things are set to NO, that those options should disappear from the menu ? I.E if Edit Ads is set to no, that option shouldn't be visible in the menu?
Thanks :)

Managed to get that one resolved, but now I have another quirk. Everything works sweet as admin, but I won't be using admins on the forum at all (except when I really need to). Most of the time I'll have a moderator access account.

My moderator user has the following permissions under Analyze Permissions:

and yet for some reason they can create and delete rooms, but are unable to edit them (for example to add a thread ID to them).

I'm sure its something simple I'm overlooking on this one, but the permissions seem correct.
The advanced rooms options are currently available only for admins.

Oh.. bugger.. Is it likely to change anytime soon?

What about if I use ACP > User > Make User an Administrator, and just don't add them to the admin group, and only give them "Manage Chat". Is that enough to get around it?
"Manage Chat" is only for ACP. I could add an extra permission for that.
Ahh bummer.

If you could that'd be hugely appreciated. It's something I reckon a lot of forums would potentially use.

Pretty much any live sports forum is likely to have such a setup.

For examples sake everyone watching an F1 race and you have a "Live F1 Race - Singapore" room, linked to a thread. Next race "Live F1 Race - Monaco" room. Both to their own threads.

Most of the time moderators might be the ones setting up / locking / opening those rooms, rather than admins.

Just means that the admin accounts can be kept completely away from the frontend and really only have to log in to resolve ACP/User issues and queries.
Hello! A few smallish things.

1) The "Space after the dice-roll addition" seems to be functioning correctly. Disregard that portion of the comments.

2) /roll actions take precedence over icode boxes, apparently. So does /me. For example, I can't write [icode]/me bleh[/icode] because it will just end up as [icode] bleh[/icode] - That extra space from between the /me and bleh is present as well. So it doesn't treat the "action" as being within a code or icode box, and is actually parsed.

3) Is it possible to make bots show up in the chat archives? That would be incredibly useful. Maybe even on an individual basis? Though that would be a little too needy on my part to ask, IMHO.

4) Sometimes /roll 1d0 results in a (1) for some reason despite it being mathematically impossible. I roll a single dice of zero and come up with a 1? I must be a miracle-maker.
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