
Bookmarks [Paid] 2.0.5

No permission to buy ($35.00)
  • Thread starter Thread starter Syndol
  • Start date Start date
This is the error I get when moving a thread to a subforum that uses xenporta.
The error is with XenPorta.
I have no control over how other add-ons function.
Seek help on that thread.
I have a problem - the bookmarks nav tab is visible even when a user has no permission to use bookmarks.
So I set up a user in a usergroup which does not have permission to use bookmarks (it's a premium feature).
And when analysing the user, they do not have permission to use bookmarks.
yet when logged in as that user, I can see the bookmarks nav tab.
What have I missed?
@Stuart Wright, it all works for me as it should.
Are you using an add-on to log in as that user or are you actually performing a full log-in with password?
Since my add-on always checks for the 'use bookmarks feature' permission, I suspect you are encountering an add-on conflict of some kind.
I got this today after upgrading to Bookmarks 1.2.1 on XF 1.2.1 as well

Error Info
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Class 'Bookmarks_Model_Thread' not found - library/XenForo/Model.php:195
Generated By: Unknown Account, Today at 00:49
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(220) "https://***.org/***/threads/como-fazer-in%C3%B3culo-de-gr%C3%A3os.141/preview?_xfRequestUri=%2Fcomunidade%2Fforums%2Fprodu%25C3%25A7%25C3%25A3o-de-substratos.89%2F&_xfNoRedirect=1&_xfResponseType=json"
  ["_GET"] => array(4) {
    ["/***/threads/como-fazer-inóculo-de-grãos_141/preview"] => string(0) ""
    ["_xfRequestUri"] => string(55) "/***/forums/produ%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-substratos.89/"
    ["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"
    ["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {
It looks like that file is missing from your server.
Try re uploading all of the files.
@Syndol, quick (and probably easy and painless) question. I'm trying to add a fontawesome icon in front of the bookmark tab on the profiles page. Problem is I have yet to be successful in finding which template that it is that puts the bookmark tab there.
Please note that I will be away until the 25th of October.
I shall respond to any questions or reported issues upon my return.
Thank you.
Hello, I've bought Bookmark and I've XF 1.1 and about to upgrade to 1.2.

My question is how to upgrade without loosing all the bookmarks saved by me and by the others members.

Thank you!
@Syndol, great add-on !

I have the same problem (as Shelley), this function is not working. Enable or disable the tab is only displayed if you add a public bookmark.

Last edited:
Hi @Allan, Shelley was talking about the Navigation tab but both that and the profile page tab work for me as intended. Perhaps make sure that all template modifications show up Green for you.
To Bookmark resources you have to set the 'Allow Bookmarking of Resources' option, as well as, provide your user groups with the permission to do so.
Hi Syndol ;)

For the bookmark resources, it work, thank you ;)
For the tab Bookmark in profil page, it does not work for me, I'll go deeper into this and I'll let you know.

Suggestion: add an indicator to show that the message has been bookmarked.

This was discussed ages ago (I believe in the original thread) and was decided that it was a waste to check against each user's bookmark list.
If you click the bookmark link you find out right away if you have already bookmarked it or not.
But as always, if enough people want this I will look into adding it.
For the tab Bookmark in profil page, it does not work for me, I'll go deeper into this and I'll let you know.
I'll perform a fresh install of the add-on myself to check it all out. When the tab says you have no public bookmarks, do you actually have any in the 'bookmark_content' table?
I've performed a fresh install of the add-on, and everything seems to work as it should for me.
I'm sorry, you're right, it works for me too, I had a permission problem yet (y)

Other suggestion: Add bubble indicator (as Conversations, alertes etc ...)

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