It seems as if people have a very different idea of what they would need for reviews! Some of them only use a few fields, allowing the reviewer to type in most of the review. Others, like mine, constrain the review intentionally so that many particular fields of information are entered - but still allow comments.
I hacked mine together back in 1998, so it definitely is showing its' age. Still, it gives an idea of what I would need in terms of functionality.
Examples: Input forum
(this is simple form, but some fields are populated by the existing db or else limited to what I decide could be input).
Searching - my setup has poor searching, but good enough for now.
Ideally, there would be a lot more options for listing by age of the reviews, number of stars, etc.
Many of my users know the brand(s) they want to search for, so the populated drop down works good.
Moderated - since my form is outside of any CMS, each entry is emailed to me - and I click a link in the entry to either delete it or publish it.
Editable - mine are not editable by the user because of not being tied in.
Comments - mine does not allow other comments by others on a particular review. This may not be a good thing anyway.
Any XF system I might move to would have to have the ability for the same fields and to import my existing (over 1200) reviews. It would also have to have some advantages.
Updates and editing might be an advantage. The ability to limit each person to no more than X reviews also. Upload of related pics would be a neat thing. Etc.