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Book Reviews 1.0.1

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Jon W

Well-known member
Waindigo submitted a new resource:

Book Reviews by Waindigo (version 1.0) - Gives your community a new book reviews area with monetization through Amazon Associates

This add on gives you a new site area for book reviews.


  • Fully permissions based: Control who can see the book reviews area, who can add/edit/delete books and who can add/edit/delete reviews.
  • Integrates with Amazon for purchasing. Admin can specify the Amazon domain and Associates tag.
  • Ability to hide / show a book reviews tab (useful for populating the book reviews area before making it live)
  • Ability to mark book priority as high, normal, low....

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How can I edit this resource so we can actually just have regular reviews of equipment/products/etc. and not Amazon Books!? I would love to use this plugin just for reviews of what I need to review exactly.

Is it possible!?
This mod is hard coded for books. We will not support turning this into anything other than a book reviews mod, however you are welcome to tinker with the templates, phrases and code yourself. Once you change any portion of this modification that is where our support ends.

We will only contemplate new features and functionality that enhances this mod as a book reviews modification
This mod is hard coded for books. We will not support turning this into anything other than a book reviews mod, however you are welcome to tinker with the templates, phrases and code yourself. Once you change any portion of this modification that is where our support ends.

We will only contemplate new features and functionality that enhances this mod as a book reviews modification

Can I pay you to help me change it to how I need it?
This modification will always remain a book reviews modification. It is heavily tied into books and Amazon so we will not fork it into something else.
We may at some point in the future release a product review modification but that will be a from scratch modification specifically aimed at product reviews. If you have any requests for changes or new features, in keeping with this mod being a book reviews mod, then please drop waindigo or myself a PM.
Hello, thanks for this useful add-on. I have always wanted a forum add-on that would provide shelfari or librarything like functionality and this add-on seems to be a step in that direction. It would be nice if we could have an extra profile tab for the book reviews submitted by the particular user. A widget displaying a list of the latest book reviews would also be useful.

Another question that comes to my mind is, wouldn't it be possible to evolve the framework involved in this and other related mods into a generic review system like the Geek Article and Review System that exists for vbulletin? That would make it possible for the users to create their own customized review systems.
Hello, thanks for this useful add-on. I have always wanted a forum add-on that would provide shelfari or librarything like functionality and this add-on seems to be a step in that direction. It would be nice if we could have an extra profile tab for the book reviews submitted by the particular user. Also a widget displaying a list of the latest book reviews would also be useful.
This can be done easy enough. If you want this functionality then Im sure waindigo can give you a price.
Another question that comes to my mind is, wouldn't it be possible to evolve the framework involved in this and other related mods into a generic review system like the Geek Article and Review System that exists for vbulletin? That would make it possible for the users to create their own customized review systems.

We may develop a fully blown review system along entirely different lines in the future, but for now its not something we are working on.
If several other people all felt the same way then it may be something we could put together :)

Its all over Xenforo and many members has been requesting it, I say release it as a Paid Mod + ill throw in a decent amount for it as well. I even pmed you for a Custom version.

Its one of the most highest requested mods imo.
I would love to buy this mod if you could create categories of items like books, video games, movies etc. I already do a lot of amazon associates marketing and this would be a great way to have a forum to do just that will all amazon products!
I would love to buy this mod if you could create categories of items like books, video games, movies etc. I already do a lot of amazon associates marketing and this would be a great way to have a forum to do just that will all amazon products!

We'll see how this mod goes firstly. Incidentally, this doesnt use the forum system - it's bespoke.
Great job, Rob and Waindigo
Books are an important component of our community (education/finance focused) and we've done well with Amazon so I can see how this will help further.
Honestly, I'm waiting for the XF Resource Manager to see how it can be used to provide review feature of different categories.
I see your addon fills the void at the moment so i'm going to test it out to see how it works.
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Reactions: Rob
Feature suggestion
  • Ability to use Amazon API to generate require fields using ISBN/titles/author name. This is useful for members to quickly add new books.
  • Mass add books by entering a list of ISBN numbers, separated by comma. This can be done if the ability to use Amazon API is available
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Reactions: Rob
Feature suggestion
  • Ability to use Amazon API to generate require fields using ISBN/titles/author name. This is useful for members to quickly add new books.
  • Mass add books by entering a list of ISBN numbers, separated by comma. This can be done if the ability to use Amazon API is available

That would be a nice feature which i did consider but ditched due to the work involved. If someone wants to pay for the feature then I'm sure it can be added by Waindigo.
Hi, you will get the blank br_service_ phrase come through if you have not selected any of the book features/formats (eg, hardback, paperback, etc).
I would either create a blank phrase called br_service_ or select some features for your books!

I will address this bug in a future update :)

Edit... I'm not sure what is happening with those amazon widgets on your site onthefly... can you PM me the code from your associates account for any book?
1. make sure you are logged into amazon associates.
2. visit any book on the main amazon site
3. click the 'link to this page' link at the top of the page
4. PM me the embed code inside code tags
5. Wait for fix
Very nice looking mod! I'm in the same boat as others though, so add me to the vote of "If I could specify what I was reviewing", I'd grab it up! Really cool though for those needing this exact functionality, I'm jealous. =)
Very nice looking mod! I'm in the same boat as others though, so add me to the vote of "If I could specify what I was reviewing", I'd grab it up! Really cool though for those needing this exact functionality, I'm jealous. =)
If you ever need only one type of review for your site, and it's about books then this is it.
If you plan to have different products, categories, then Resource Manager may be modded into what you want. Nobody knows for sure until it comes out.

I don't know if RM can be modded into providing the Amazon affiliate and the features of this addon so it's a problem i'm facing at the moment. I have >100 books in our reading list so we rather not spend time doing this twice.
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