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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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Love this mod! Does anyone know how we can use the default xenForo "New Posts" widget instead of the "New Replies" one in the widget framework? The formatting of the New Replies one is slightly different, and it doesn't include new Threads. Thanks!
Use template rendering.
Could you give me any pointers on this? Is it possible to just find the xF New Posts sidebar code and save it as a widget? Or is it more complicated than that?

Add new widget then choose:

Then use template "sidebar_new_posts".
Add new widget then choose:

Then use template "sidebar_new_posts".
Thank you :) Do you know how I can make it work outside of forum_list? I'm trying to show "New Posts" on the sidebar for Resource Manager, but it doesn't work there.

I tried adding the following:

Controller Name: XenForo_ControllerPublic_forum
Controller Action: index

No luck with that either. Get this error:

An exception occurred: Argument 2 passed to WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer_Template::_renderView() must be an instance of XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract, null given
Hello, I've been testing with this version (2.6.0 BETA), but seems there is a CSS problem with a widget and the responsive design:
same in my test board and localhost with default template:
View attachment 116715

This is the same widget in @Ridemonkey dot com (perfect and without issue):

View attachment 116716

I still can not find the piece of code to fix it.
After install the version 2.5.9 everything works perfect. there is a small css issue with that widget in the version 2.6.0 beta.
edit: here the gif with the perfect version:
View attachment 116719

I managed to fix this (at least partially) by editing wf_threads.css. I changed
.WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer_Threads .discussionList {
   overflow: scroll;
   width: 100%:
.WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer_Threads .DiscussionList {
   min-width: 450px;
   width: 100%;
to just
.WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer_Threads .DiscussionList {
   width: 100%;

Give it a try if you are still using 2.6.0 and haven't gotten around to fixing it.

I successfully installed this addon on xenForo 1.5 with the default style but nothing happend. I'm still seeing the standard sidebar even after modifying and creating new widgets in all positions. Am I missing some important step to activate the addon?

Also by creating a new widget page I get the following error message:

Any idea how to fix this?

Anyone else with these problems?
Real simple question and must be missing something obvious.
Have this set up and working fine, except when I want to change the display order.
I change the number, click save (see attached) and it appears to save it, but when return to Appearance > Widget Framework .... the original order is still there and does not reflect the change I made
What am I missing?


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I really like this addon.

But before i had it, the Online Now section had users in color of their forum rank/position. After installing this, they do not; everyone is in the same color. Is there a way to revert that? Thanks in advance!
I really like this addon.

But before i had it, the Online Now section had users in color of their forum rank/position. After installing this, they do not; everyone is in the same color. Is there a way to revert that? Thanks in advance!
Visit style properties.
hello i would like to ask if it is possible to add widget to the right side in the members' profile page ?

add this in the expression field to the widget you want to show in members profile:
in_array($contentTemplate, array('member_view'))

Note: You have to set the position to 'all', then add the desired templates to the array, for example if you want the widget to be shown in both forum list and profile pages you would add it like this:
in_array($contentTemplate, array('forum_list', 'member_view'))

I really love this addon and it works perfectly ;).

However, now I should add a new widget (php template) to a custom pages main content (pages/mynewpage). I can add this new widget to the sidebar of mynewpage, but I do not find any possibbility to place it within the main content, for example below the pages title.

Any ideas? Regards, rhodes.

I really love this addon and it works perfectly ;).

However, now I should add a new widget (php template) to a custom pages main content (pages/mynewpage). I can add this new widget to the sidebar of mynewpage, but I do not find any possibbility to place it within the main content, for example below the pages title.

Any ideas? Regards, rhodes.

Check my previous reply, adding the widget to the template should work.
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