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[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.6

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I keep getting an internal server error on the site where I'm using this (disabling it fixes the problem). I only have a latest threads sidebar (last 10 global threads) showing to everyone and this is the error appearing in the log:

Error Info

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to undefined method XenForo_Model_Thread::WidgetFramework_prepareThreadForRendererThreads() - library\WidgetFramework\WidgetRenderer\Threads.php:478
Generated By: Unknown Account, 17 minutes ago

Stack Trace

#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}

Request State

array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(29) ""
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {

How can I go about troubleshooting this to get it fixed? Anyone see this before? Any advice would be most welcome :).
Are you using memcached?

I've had a look at the code and suspect it could be a conflict with another addon - so I'm just waiting to hear back from the other developer (of the custom plugin) :).
Tried to upgrade from 2.4.6e to 2.4.8 on xf 1.3.0 RC1 and keep getting an error of "Please enter a valid file name. The requested file could not be read."
Any ideas?
Tried to upgrade from 2.4.6e to 2.4.8 on xf 1.3.0 RC1 and keep getting an error of "Please enter a valid file name. The requested file could not be read."
Any ideas?
Are all the new files uploaded to the server?
Did you try to upgrade from your computer or the server? (.xml file)
Yes all the files uploaded to the server fine and I tried to upgrade from my computer with the .xml file provided. When I use that .xml files it says it can't read it.
Yes all the files uploaded to the server fine and I tried to upgrade from my computer with the .xml file provided. When I use that .xml files it says it can't read it.
Delete the zip file and the whole folder from your computer.
Download the app again, unzip it, upload it to your server.
Try to upgrade now.
No joy, same error :rolleyes: Weird it's not working, when I installed 1.3 RC1 there were no errors and this add-on worked fine with the 2.4.6e version
Something is wrong there with those files.
Maybe they are not overwritten on the server?
Clicking on the wrong file?

Is it: "addon-widget_framework.xml" ?
Sometimes authors put the .xml in two different directories.

I did the one in the base directory (not in /library/) and it worked for me a few hours ago...
Sometimes authors put the .xml in two different directories.

I did the one in the base directory (not in /library/) and it worked for me a few hours ago...
When I updated it some time ago to 2.4.6e I used xf to do the update and had no issues. Even putting it in the base directory didn't work for me. I think I'll try updating on one of my xf 1.2.5 forums.
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