Auto Link Titles

Auto Link Titles 1.0.10

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One question, this seems to work for any kind of outgoing links.
But if I link pages from my own forum, it doesn't work.
Anyone know why?
It does work with the Resource Manager...

The "Source" custom field you have created, was it just a single line text box or was it a rich text box?

The auto linking which is the opportunity I use to grab the URL, and find its title, is very much a "rich text" (bb code) operation. For it to work it would have to be a rich text box.

There would be no way to make it work with a single line text box.
Ah cool stuff Chris I had it as a single line text box URL but changing it to the "rich text" worked a treat (y)
Should the site title be removed from the text of the links? I'm not sure if that's best in general or a personal preference.
I'm not sure I fully understand the comment.

Do you mean the site title on internal links?
Yes , I'm thinking I don't want the "| Site Title" after the page title in the linked text.

Usually the thread title words are better (more specific) keyword text than my site title (general keyword)

I could be wrong for some reason and it's a good thing to do and get over it, if so let me know :)
It's in the title because it's in the title. I don't think I'll be inclined to take special steps to remove it. The add on grabs the title and uses whatever title it gets. I don't think there should be any special cases there.
If you don't want it in your site title at all, it would be relatively simple as a template edit.

Search templates for "boardTitle".

It will come up with a few places but the likely place you'll see that is in the PAGE_CONTAINER <title> tags or perhaps in individual pages <xen:title> tags.
My add on runs when the XF auto linking process happens. If it's not happening then that add on is likely interrupting or otherwise overriding that process. It's unlikely I'll be able to do anything about it.
@Chris D Excellent addon, I like how quick you can make a link "hot" by just pasting it here, but if I were just to want to have it "cold" meaning showing the actual address but not making it linkable, would the only option to make this work would be disabling the addon?
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