Ads Manager by Siropu

Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid] 1.26.9

No permission to buy (€49.99)
My suggestion is to use the position option "Visible in Ad/Package Position Select List" for positions that you don't want to see in position select list, instead of deleting them.

There is a function in Debug mode that allows you to reset positions (deletes everything and restore default ones).
Hello Siropu,

I would like to offer advertisers to choose to advertise in one or several forums in the same campaign, is this possible ?
The same for tags : I would like them to be able to choose one or several tags (or no tags at all => all threads).
But I want to display only one ad at a time...
Thanks for your help !
When you create a package, you can choose multiple forums but when an advertiser creates an ad, they can't choose which forum from the ones you chose. Creating a separate package for each forum might be best if you want advertisers to choose which forum.

The tags are for admins not for advertisers.
Using a package you can control how many ads are displayed at a time.
When you get a moment, no hurry.

Ad in thread ID position will not display on more than one thread even if "Minimum Results on Page" is set higher. Item ID's are separated by comma.

The ad should display as its setting the node wider and moving the edit button over but it only displays on one thread.
Are you using the position from "Thread List Thread ID"?
For that position all you need is the thread id(s) in "Item Id" option.
I don't see any issues in my tests.
Yes, Thread List Thread ID.

Both thread IDs are in the Item ID option. One ad shows perfectly, while the other opens the node to be shown but does not actually display.

This is on my test board if you would like to take a look. I'm not in any hurry as I can make a second ad to do this still. :)
It looks like the problem is the ad itself. It doesn't allow you to load it twice.
I've replace it with an image and it works fine.

It loads more than once if it's in separate packages.

It's alright, I'll use separate ads. Thank you.
The ad you are using doesn't seem to allow that because it targets the ID of the canvas and the id needs to be unique in the document. I've copied the ad code and paste it on a HTML test file on my pc and replicate it multiple times and it only displays once.
Hello, is it possible to set banner position like in this photo below?
If yes, how can i do it?
There is a position but it works with the description enabled. The position is under "Description Forum Node ID" category.
I'll see if I can add a new position that works without description.
Is there a function to deal with adblockers built into this?

For example, If I put adsense code in an ad, is there a way to have a static banner who when an adblocker is detected?
For example, If I put adsense code in an ad, is there a way to have a static banner who when an adblocker is detected?

Try this approach:
1. Wrap your adsense code with a class like so:
<div class="myAd1">
adsense code here

2. Add this code below the code above:
$(function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
        if (!$('.myAd1').height()) {
    }, 1000);

<div class="myBackupAd1" style="display: none;">
    backup ad here

I've tested it and it works fine.
For positions Thread View Below Messages and Forum View Above Thread List

can they not be used with page criteria, Page is Within Nodes ?
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