Implemented Add hCaptcha support


New member

Some of our users for have requested XenForo support.

Since XenForo offers a variety of built-in captchas already, it seems like the best answer is to directly integrate hCaptcha as well.

Our API is compatible with reCAPTCHA, so it typically takes only a few minutes to port over existing implementations.

Would you be interested in doing so, or taking patches from us that add support?
Upvote 13
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
No dice. I registered on, verified my account, added my site key and secret key, and could not get it to come up on my registration page when in incognito mode. :(
Some comments on this thread have really failed the test of time.

i never see more failed thing ever then hcaptcha

Shame the OP is no longer active on this site. Would've seemingly been a good opportunity to communicate with a successful team doing something in stopping spam.

Would be nice to see this directly integrated into XF. hCaptcha seems promising from the times I've used it on Cloudflare sites since their move. I've failed their captcha far less times than reCAPTCHA (when the auto-tick fails) and it's less of a pain to use.
Shame the OP is no longer active on this site.

It's a shame tagging someone who hasn't been active in a while doesn't make their ears burn so they know they're being talked about to get them back involved in the discussion. An email notification would also work.
So, I found an interesting bug on both implementations by @mcatze and @Lukas W. , perhaps it's just on my site. When I go to my homepage, the register button in the top right opens a popup window with the registration form on it. However, the hCaptcha code doesn't show up! If I go to, however, it works just fine.

Both implementations use the async defer script tags when calling the hcaptcha javascript, wondering if the popup is failing to trigger the code to be loaded?

I was also wondering if Cloudflare's Rocket Loader was playing havoc with it, so I added data-cfasync="false" as a script tag just to keep rocket loader from messing with it, as per Cloudflare's instructions, didn't seem to make a difference.

Right now, I have @mcatze's implementation running on ControlBooth if anyone wants to check it out. Switched to @TickTackk's resource and it works on the popup registration form!
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As this is a suggestion thread, any other posts related to third party resources, etc. should be made elsewhere.

Further off topic posts will be deleted.
hCaptcha is missing the entire "badge" system
which doesn't make it
a drop-in replacement for reCAPTCHA
as advertised. This means it will cause issues for people who are following the privacy laws like GDPR or CCPA.
No. There have been no changes to the CAPTCHA system at all. We have just added a new provider.

A CAPTCHA for every login is unnecessary.

But either way, that's unrelated to adding any new provider.
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