
  1. nero

    Is Xenforo compatible with Google's reCAPTCHA Enterprise?

    Hi all, Has anyone already tried it and is it compatible with Xenforo? I'm facing tremendous spam attacks on many boards at the moment. Thanks, Nicolas
  2. Tempritscher

    XF 2.2 ReCaptcha double verification (Bug?)

    Good Morning Community. After upgrading to latest forum build i face an strange bug. did someone having the same issue?
  3. fahad ashraf

    XF 2.2 Alternate option_captcha_render on xenforo2

    Hey, I want to create new captcha type on xenforo2 , xf1 was having option_captcha_render listener for add new captcha how i can do it xf2 . Thanks
  4. tecnox

    Not a bug Error Recaptcha

    I am having an error in xenforo regarding the CAPTCHA The KEY provided by google stopped working at any moment, which throws that error in the admin.php to enter the xenforo panel. Try to modify the PHP where the captcha key is for a new one that was created in google captcha, but the problem...
  5. Edward Black

    XF 2.0 (invisible) reCAPTCHA + Q&A Captcha at the same time

    Hey, I would like to use the (invisible) reCAPTCHA by Google and the Q&A Captcha at the same time. Is that possible in any way? Thanks!
  6. hCaptcha

    Implemented Add hCaptcha support

    Hello, Some of our users for have requested XenForo support. Since XenForo offers a variety of built-in captchas already, it seems like the best answer is to directly integrate hCaptcha as well. Our API is compatible with reCAPTCHA, so it typically takes only a few minutes to...
  7. Chernabog

    XF 2.0 Recaptcha Error?

    I don't fully understand what it is trying to tell me... I guess the site is unable to connect to the ReCaptcha server? Anyone else have this or know a way to fix it? It seems to happen when someone fills out a snogs applications as a non-registered user... but recaptcha i wouldnt think needs...
  8. ActorMike

    XF 1.5 ReCAPTCHA (No CAPTCHA) connection error

    I've recently been getting these errors in the server logs periodically, but whenever I test the Captcha box it works. Also, I checked where someone logged an error whow as registering, but they ended up registered, so they must have gotten the box checked somehow. I have my own server in a...
  9. vFranky

    XF 1.5 reCAPTCHA for registering new users stops working

    Hello, it seems that reCAPTCHA stops working today or yesterday. There is no reCAPTCHA graphic when registering as a new user. Any known problems? Kind regards, Frank
  10. Frode789

    XF 2.0 Keep being pestered with constant captcha requests

    Upgraded from XF1 to XF2. Super happy, except: I'm constantly get these annoying captcha requests when I'm working in ACP configuring options, which requires a lot of edit -> save -> reload etcetc.. I don't need a captcha validation when I'm logged into the ADMIN CP. Also I don't want my users...
  11. HeavyB

    XF 1.5 The OAuth client was not found.

    New setup; PHP 5.5, Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard, mySQL 5.6.24. Just about everything is going smoothly. Learning a lot on day 1, etc. However, with Google integration I'm having a couple of problems. 1. Have a Google Client ID and Client Secret, and double checked to make sure both...
  12. Neal

    reCAPTCHA v2 - Does anything need to be changed in xenForo?

    I received the following email from Google reCAPTCHA today. I'm not sure if anything needs to be adjusted on the xenForo side so thought i'd post it just in case. :)
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