[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) PRO [Paid] 1.2.2b

No permission to buy ($40.00)
Good Luck with this one. I have been waiting since February for Jaxel to update XenPorta2 so I can use a new block.

Adding a new block or additional functionality is a feature request and not part of the basic package we buy. It's up to the developer if he wants to add this new functionality.

However being unable to add the Author Name to an Article or an Article Preview is a basic and fundamental flaw in an Article Promotion System/Portal which should be updated as soon as it's pointed out.

Hope you have better luck than I did....lol

There's a couple of things that XP2 has functionality wise that is making me want to use it but I'm going to have to seriously look at other options and see if those developers are more receptive.
Hey, I seem to be having an issue with my XenPorta 2 not loading icons/images? (Excuse me if I'm not using the right word)
Here is a picture of my issue, I have highlighted what is missing:

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Each block gets it's own unique CSS id... you can tie CSS to that single block.
Any chance you can give an example, even though it might not be in the support for this product? :)
Iirc the block is 38 and I would need the text to be color 818181
I tried to re-install the widget, but no luck. Still visible to the two Donator groups by using the Show/Hide to usergroup setting.
Have you tried disabling other addons one by one to see if something else is interfering?

I appreciate you have other addons to update but if it is such a quick fix. IE a couple of lines in a couple of files then why not release that quick fix?

I've been a big supporter of XP2 since it's inception and have put the update on my site on hold for what seems like forever. Can you give us a date or time scale in which you can expose the Author Name in the article and the article previews which is a fundamental part of using this portal/CMS?

Or should I be looking at other solutions for my site instead?

I am not asking for a new feature, I'm not asking for a massive change. I'm just asking for a fix to what is the equivalent of a manufacturing flaw. An article system without the ability to display the article author in the article or the article preview is not fit for purpose.
Because its non-essential. If this was a feature-breaking bug, I would have sent an update immediately. As it stands, this is no such thing... its a COSMETIC issue; and functionally irrelevant. With or without this small change, the CMS works exactly the same. I'm not going to send out an update to hundreds of buyers because of a design issue.

Now as I said a bunch of times already, in the dozens of PMs you've sent me... I've been very busy at the moment and haven't had a chance to write the fix yet. As I said, this bug is extremely low on my list of priorities.

I have bought this mod, but have not set it up yet. I cam reviewing the setup of several sites including 8wayrun. I see the two column option and will likely use that. However is there a way to set the blocks to a fixed height so that they are even side by side as you scroll down?
CSS is your friend.

I have been waiting since February for Jaxel to update XenPorta2 so I can use a new block.
And I apologize for that. XenRio buyers have been waiting a lot longer for an update than you have, so I put priority on XenRio for the past few weeks. I will release a small update for XP2 before I leave for Caarnival next week; which will include fixes for both your issue and Lone Wolf's.
Hey, I seem to be having an issue with my XenPorta 2 not loading icons/images? (Excuse me if I'm not using the right word)
Here is a picture of my issue, I have highlighted what is missing:

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Maybe the image file is missing from your server? Its part of the core XenForo package and should be included in every skin.

Any chance you can give an example, even though it might not be in the support for this product? :)
Iirc the block is 38 and I would need the text to be color 818181
#widget_38 { color: #818181; }
Maybe the image file is missing from your server? Its part of the core XenForo package and should be included in every skin.

#widget_38 { color: #818181; }
What directory would it be in? If it's missing, where would I find it?

[EDIT] I have fixed the issue. The problem was that I installed my theme without transferring the files within the upload folder. My mistake.
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The problem is you keep enabling features without understand what they are doing... so when they do exactly what they are designed to do; you are getting confused.
I know but isn't there a way to use the widgets? Or does it not work with my theme....
Yes, it should work fine with your skin... Your sidebar is on the left instead of the right though; but when placing your widgets you still need to place them in the right column, because thats the sidebar column.
Disable infinite scrolling as well. Infinite scrolling requires some positioning queries to work, and I think it interferes with the static sidebar system of your skin.
Sorry, but that didnt help - any other ideas?

New widget was _66 but did change that allready.
It depends on what text on chat block you are trying to change. CSS rules follow the MOST DESCRIPTIVE identifier. If there is an identifier for your colors more descriptive, then the code I listed above wont work. You need to make the identifier more descriptive.

Something like:
#widget_38 .secondaryContent { color: #818181; }
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