
  1. Codeless

    XF 2.0 SMTP connection error

    Hello i am getting error while testing my smtp connection ++ Starting Swift_SmtpTransport !! Connection could not be established with host [ #0] (code: 0) i have validated my email credentials with Mozila Thunderbrid everything works normal i have used proper ports and...
  2. C

    XF 2.0 Upgrade error XF1 to XF2- "do not appear to have the expected contents"

    So I followed the instructions for the upgrade from XF1 to XF2. This is what pops up. There are at least 1 file(s) that do not appear to have the expected contents.Reupload the XenForo files and refresh this page.Only continue if you are sure all files have been uploaded properly.
  3. P

    XF 2.0 Error after upgrade

    Hi everyone, We are having this error at our forum ( This is happening when someone tries to see a thread on the upgraded forum. How can we fix this? Cheers! Mariano
  4. Skelptr

    XF 1.5 Having Issues Setting Up Gmail

    Hello! I am having no luck getting the Xenforo email to function. It's impossible for any users to confirm their email, reset passwords, etc. Currently, I'm using a brand new Gmail account; here's what I have set up: However, whenever it tries to send an email, this error occurs and is placed...
  5. JamieSinn

    XF 1.5 Unable to send mail (User confirmation, 2FA emails, etc)

    I'm constantly getting this error log: whenever users try to send mail. Currently the MTA is sendmail, but it also occurs with postfix. For a bit of...
  6. Mystinen Metsätyömies

    Fixed Importing from SMF => preg_replace(): No ending delimiter '#' found

    I tried to import a SMF 2.0.13 forum to latest version of XenForo. I got this error message and the import ended. Any suggestions what to do next?
  7. S

    An unexpected database error occurred

    When I load the site I get this error. "An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later." Could anyone help me with this. It was fine one day then the next just that. This is the site Thank you
  8. iBlowUp

    XF 1.1 Error installing older version of XF

    Long story short i'm trying to make a site using an older version of xf (1.1.1 to be exact). The error comes along when I have to setup the administrator account. I really want to know if theres a way to fix this. This is the error Server Error Server Error Validate class not found from...
  9. Xyphien

    XF 1.5 RSS Not working?

    I've tried adding my RSS on several bot plugins such as an auto RSS tweeter for twitter, RSS bot on Discord, etc. Each time I get an error, That's what I get for the discord bot, the rest of them simply say they cannot find the rss. What is the problem?
  10. KenBrace

    XF 1.4 500 Error During Registration

    Recently users have been unable to register at my site. I tested it out to see what the issue was and apparently it's throwing the error provided below. I switched to a new server and got an SSL cert so that may have something to do with it. I thought that perhaps the outdated HTTP board URL was...
  11. ratrodbikes

    XF 1.5 HELP! - Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception:

    Since February 1, 2017 my forum has been giving these errors. I'm wondering if someone can look at the code below and let me know what would be causing these server errors... Server Error Log Error Info Zend_Mail_Protocol_Exception: Email to failed (after retry)...
  12. kontrabass

    XF 1.5 HTML5 uploader and "file not supported" error on Android phone

    After switching to the HTML5 uploader, I have a user who is unable to post photos from his Android phone. I unfortunately don't have an Android device to test this on, so I'm wondering if anyone has any tips? Using old uploader: User hits "upload file" button and an interim window appears...
  13. Robru

    Elasticsearch 5.0.1 error

    Error Info XenForo_Exception: Elasticsearch error: {"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"The field [fields] is no longer supported, please use [stored_fields] to retrieve stored fields or _source filtering if the field is not...
  14. Ayush Somani

    Style "Tellurium" - The field 'XXXX' was not recognised Error

    Hello, I'm new to Xenforo. I just installed Xenforo with Tellurium Style. I'm using no extra Addons. But I'm getting this error while registering new account OR you can say Sign up. Error : The field 'XXXX' was not recognised Error Whenever someone try to Sign up and enter his/her email, this...
  15. AlexL777

    ErrorException: Undefined index: - library/XenForo/Session.php:919

    Hello community, rarely I have turned to you, but now I have problems with my XenForo forum. I can in the topic titles and the topics the word "onpage" do not use. It is equal to an error is that there is a "unsave operation". The fault, according to the internal forum error log looks like...
  16. A

    XF 1.5 ERROR " Enter a message with no more than 0 characters"

    i try to post anything on my forum , and when i click on post thread , that give me the next error : It happened the following error: Please enter a message with no more than 0 characters. Help me plis
  17. A

    XF 1.5 [bd] Mails: Sending mail failed

    Hi, I've just installed bd Mails and my mails are been rejected. Here there's a screenshot of the error that appears on my Server Error Logs: XenForo_Exception: [bd] Mails: Sending mail failed, log is available at...
  18. R

    Unfollow user bug?

    Ok, when add a user from domain.tdl/account/following/ and when I try unfollow user recive this error.
  19. iseamonet

    XF 1.5 Index Issue and Xenforo picture

    My index.php is forcing my site to say "" index instead of saying "website name" or showing a picture of my website icon when i post in places such as skype. It also shows the Xenforo picture instead of my own icon or website picture. Does anyone know how to fix this? Should I...
  20. Tim Yusupov

    XF 1.5 Upgraded server php version to php7. Forum error

    Hi everyone! Updated php on the server to php7 version, and stopped working forum. The admin panel comes, all is well. And on the forum (frontend) - such a mistake writes: The error log is : Help please! :)
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