
  1. A

    XF 2.2 Why am I getting this error massage

    XF\Db\Exception: User 'u774975481_forum' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 15) src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Adapter.php:165 Generated by: Unknown account Mar 7, 2021 at 10:05 PM Stack trace #0 src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Adapter.php(28): XF\Db\Mysqli\Adapter->makeConnection(Array)...
  2. E

    XF 2.2 A lot of errors after installation (Please help)

    I installed XF2, the UI.X Pro Theme, and have imported the style and js files into my website's folder through FileZilla multiple times, but my logo keeps getting broken and I cannot hide the left-side menu by clicking on the 3-bar icon in the corner (it does nothing). It is the same case for...
  3. M

    MG 2.2 Ensure you have added at least one media item before continuing.

    I keep getting this message when trying to upload an image... Ensure you have added at least one media item before continuing.
  4. E

    Not a bug [TH] Covers add-on error

    I recently have been getting this error after I downloaded the ThemeHouse add-on Covers. I am at a loss as to what this means. Could you be kind enough to assist me in fixing this error please? Thank you!
  5. LukeWolf

    XF 2.1 Error Log: Accessed unknown getter 'user_title_ladder'

    I seem to be getting this error in the Admin CP and I'm having trouble tracking it down to fix it: array(4) { ["url"] => string(33) "/forum/threads/community-rules.7/" ["referrer"] => bool(false) ["_GET"] => array(0) { } ["_POST"] => array(0) { } } Any ideas on how to fix?
  6. Kruzya

    Fixed Update user with API doesn't work if using API bypass permissions

    Steps to reproduce: Log into ACP. Create Super user key with access to user:write. Try use method users/{id}/ with api_bypass_permissions=1 Received result: I got server_error_occured (see details from log entry below). Expected result: No one error has been thrown (or another, not...
  7. P

    XF 2.1 Email to **** failed: Connection could not be established with

    Explanation of the error: A user tried desperately to reset his password. However, he never received an email and has now registered again. I have had the problem before and honestly I keep getting such e-mail error messages that I have often ignored because I simply did not know what was going...
  8. anyeyongheng

    Not a bug Verification code sending failed

    Server error log ErrorException: Email to failed: [E_WARNING] stream_set_blocking() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given src/vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Transport/StreamBuffer.php:283 生成于: admin 2020-01-05, 00:07 Stack trace #0 [internal...
  9. Serpius

    ErrorException: Fatal Error: Class 'XF\Search\Source\AbstractSource'

    My website has been getting a lot of these errors, but I have no clue on how to fix this error. I just installed a new Xenforo website yesterday, October 28, 2019. Aside from this error, the website seems to be running OK from what I can tell. What can I do to fix this error? View the...
  10. edvis20

    Not a bug (XF 1.5.15) Error whit TLS 1.2

    Starting in June 2017, PayPal will require all requests to use TLS 1.2 and your PHP configuration does not have the required SSL libraries to support this. Without TLS 1.2 support, user upgrades will not be processed correctly after this date. Please contact your host or system administrator for...
  11. edvis20

    (XF 1.5.15) Error whit TLS 1.2

    Starting in June 2017, PayPal will require all requests to use TLS 1.2 and your PHP configuration does not have the required SSL libraries to support this. Without TLS 1.2 support, user upgrades will not be processed correctly after this date. Please contact your host or system administrator for...
  12. Rasbuon

    Not a bug Cant move threads

    When I move thread this error always come up You do not have permission to use thread_prefix(no.) prefix in selected forum Please help me how to solve this problem
  13. Slayeon

    XF 2.0 Fatal Error code

    Hi im having a huge issue. Everytime you post or message there is an error that pops up. My forum is not yet open as we want to make sure everything is ready and not broken and i already have errors! It keeps saying in admin cp a file is missing but i have tried re adding it and theres no change...
  14. D

    Issue "Connection Timed out "

    Version : 1.5.15 Hello, The last week, i moved my database forum because the one at OVH was full (200 mega byte). I decided to moved the database in my own server (I already use other DB which are located on this server). But, since this time, I have an important issue when someone try to...
  15. XFuser

    XF 1.5 Automated Bounced Email Handler NOT working despite CORRECT configuration

    Hello, We've had Automated Bounced Email Handler enabled for years from the start on our XF 1.5 board. We noticed that the Bounced Email Log is empty. However, the Bounced E-mail Address we set has over 40,000 emails in it that were never pulled by XF's bounced email handler. When we run the...
  16. SuperMonis

    XF 2.0 Can't vote on poll's - Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console.

    Hi, I've had this issue for a while now since using Xenforo 2.0 but only decided to report it now. Whenever someone tries to vote on a poll an error is given: EDIT: Here's what the browser console is showing:
  17. masxter

    Not a bug Error [E_NOTICE] Array to string conversion

    G'day! I've already got a similar error in my log for several days now: ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Array to string conversion src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php:71 #0 [internal function]: XF::handlePhpError(8, '[E_NOTICE] Arra...', '/home/user/web...', 71, Array) #1...
  18. Alvinuchenna14

    Not a bug Error And Solution Needed

    Please in Xenforo version 2 and the theme I am using which is Innovative Black, I am receiving this error after editing my footer and I've tried using so many browsers and it keeps on telling me this when trying to save it. Please solution needed. ALSO My Xenforo says some files with unexpected...
  19. C

    XF 1.5 Fatal error. Mysqli statement execute error : Out of range value for column 'referrer_id' at row 1

    This error appeared out of "thin air". I got to bed and woke up to this error. I have to say I'm on a fully managed server, so somebody most likely did something (they claim they didn't - until now). It's somehow related to the image proxy setting. You only see broken images in the threads, but...
  20. tmoflash

    XF 2.0 Home page Oops! We ran into some problems. when I go to root gives error "OOPS! We ran into some problems." I just upgraded to 2.1 and I removed all addon's. I originally had it set up as a "home" announcement page, I removed the "home" nav, but still giving error. I also tried to reset master template...
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