
  1. Will Franco

    Backup and rollback functions

    Mistakes happen. If I delete a node by accident? How do I recover the node? I'm non-technical. If you can point me in the right direction, eg. do I ask a server admin, XF admin, or XF addon developer?
  2. enivid

    Improving XenForo Database Backup Speed?

    Hello all! Our forum got pretty large and with 160k+ posts it takes quite a long time to backup the database. Is there any guide or tips for improving the database backup speed for XenForo? We are using XF 2.2 with MariaDB 10.1.
  3. Mr. Jinx

    Which directories can be excluded from backup?

    I'm making daily backups of my complete forum every night. Which directories can be safely excluded to minimize the size of the backup? Currently I am excluding these directories: /internal_data/image_cache /internal_data/oembed_cache /internal_data/page_cache /internal_data/temp...
  4. S

    XF 2.1 When making backup with FTP which folders do I need to backup?

    Which folders/files are most important? I want to make backup of new forum install now while I look for an automatic solution.. thanks in advance.
  5. webmasterxl

    Unmaintained Carookee export

    [English] I found this script on Github. With this Python script (see below) it is possible to dump/backup the threads/posts of a carookee forum. The dump could be used to transfer the content of a carookee forum to another forum software like xenforo. This script does not dump the users and...
  6. Fastline

    XF 2.0 Backup solution for XenForo 2

    I've been using wordpress and it's easy to use. Due to users demands, i've purchased XenForo 2 for the Forum. Is there any way to backup the Whole Forum? I was using a plugin in Wordpress and i was able to backup only the wordpress not the entire site. The real benefit of this is suppose you...
  7. Jaxel

    XF2 [8WR] Database Backup

    Back by popular demand, is my backup system. I wasn't planning on releasing this one, but a lot of people asked me for it, since there weren't any other solutions for XF2. This addon will run a scheduled backup of your XenForo database. Before you buy this addon however, you must be aware of a...
  8. D

    XF 2.0 Localhost Backup Trouble

    Hi, I've copied my site exactly from my domain.tld to localhost, but keep running into a problem. I keep getting this error, when login to admin.php, if I try changing anything. Oops! We ran into some problems. An error occurred while the page was being generated. Please try again later...
  9. AppleAndMango

    Backup Storage

    What do you use to backup? I've been thinking of using AWS S3, the forum I run isn't massive less than a 1GB including files and the database so it should cost pennies. What do you use and what does it cost?
  10. W

    Configuration backup

    Hi there, I'd like to know how can I do a complete backup of the forum configuration. I mean: all those options in the control panel management menu. Regards,
  11. Nobitakung

    XF 1.5 How to upgrade Addons safely

    I've made a lot of customizations to a few addons including some templates of XenForo itself , so, I'm quite concerned when I have to upgrade them. What is the best practice to upgrade Addons and the core XenForo that let me able to easily roll the system back in case that I stuck on something...
  12. Sim

    XF 1.5 backing up internal_data

    I do daily file system backups of all critical data for my websites. I'm wanting to optimise the backup process by limiting the files that get backed up to only those absolutely necessary to restore the site back to a working state. To minimise space, I exclude the internal_data/attachments...
  13. S

    Burnt Sienna Wednesday 50% Off Sale

    Why wait until Black Friday for the SALE OF A LIFETIME!?!? You get 50% off, they get 50% off, EVERYBODY gets 50% off, their entire order of SolidMean products! Use coupon code HALF when checking out. Coupon expires 11/28
  14. G

    XF 1.5 Is there any way to revert to xF 1.5.1?

    I just upgraded to 1.5.2, and it might be causing some issues with my bridge to WP. Can I revert to 1.5.1? I have a backup, how would i change it back without messing up Databases or anything else?
  15. Puntocom

    mysqldump needed to backup XenForo?

    Hello, I'm making daily backups using dump (filesystem backups) and weekly ones using mysqldump. Is it needed to use mysqldump due to innodb tables, or in case of problems I can just rebuild the search index and I am fine?
  16. L

    XF 1.4 Allow users to backup their own posts?

    Dear, is there any addon for this, like on vBulletin? Sincerely, localhorst
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