XF 2.0 Backup solution for XenForo 2


Active member
I've been using wordpress and it's easy to use. Due to users demands, i've purchased XenForo 2 for the Forum. Is there any way to backup the Whole Forum?
I was using a plugin in Wordpress and i was able to backup only the wordpress not the entire site. The real benefit of this is suppose you moved your site then just install WP and restore the file of the WP and you're done. Everything gets restored. No need to do anything more. All plugins are installed. So is there any way to do the same here with XenForo 2? I tried to backup the site and Database, when restoring, nothing gets restored. And yes, the information is same on both the installation including the Database name and password.
I was using a plugin in Wordpress and i was able to backup only the wordpress not the entire site. The real benefit of this is suppose you moved your site then just install WP and restore the file of the WP and you're done
Can you share the name of Wordpress plugin that you use @Fastline ?
I got the solution without any addons. And it works like a charm as i wanted. Thank you guys!
Which solution do you decide to use for Xenforo ?
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