
  1. celebrir

    Looking for an add-on which lets users download all attachments of a post in a .zip

    I have been looking through the Add-ons Page and searched the whole Forum for various terms like "zip", "attachments" and some combinations and I couldn't find what I'm looking for. I just can't believe there is no add-on out there which adds a button to zip all attachments of a post/thread...
  2. M

    Lack of interest Attachment moderation

    Hello, we ran into a moderation issue on our forums where a user attached an image that was against the ToS, then the same user deleted the attachment 3 hours later. This caused several problems: 1. The attachment was reported, but the moderator could not see the attachment anymore 2. The...
  3. hanyuwomr

    XF 2.1 Change folder store attachment

    Hi, We have an issue with folder store attachment then I want to change location, How can I change it. I tried with config : $config['externalDataUrl'] = '/mnt/disk/data/attachments'; $config['externalDataPath'] = '/mnt/disk/data/attachments'; but it seem not running. File uploaded but i can't...
  4. BassMan

    [cXF] Remove attachments link 1.1.3

    Description: Removes link (unlink) for attachments based on permissions. Generally, you'll set permission to remove links from attachments for guests (and robots - so they don't crawl links that are not available for opening). Example: Check the image below. With permissions set to 'Remove'...
  5. B

    RM 2.1 upload attachments using api

    how can i upload attachments using api? please show sample
  6. Kruzya

    Fixed Attachment limit and deleting files

    If administrator decrease attachment count limit, user will always receive message about attachment limit when deleting attachment from post with attachment count larger than "new attachment count + 1". For example, user uploaded 15 attachments to post (limit - 20). Administrator changes limit...
  7. BassMan

    [cXF] Hide attachments with notice 1.1.1

    Description: Completely hide attachments with notice based on permissions. You can change notice text by editing the phrase. Features: hide attachments with user permissions (in admin control panel set permissions for a user or user groups) attachments are hidden with a notice (edit phrase...
  8. Sim

    Use a Linode Block Storage Volume for your XenForo attachments

    Linode’s Block Storage service allows you to attach additional storage Volumes to your Linode. A single Volume can range from 10 GiB to 10,000 GiB in size and costs $0.10/GiB per month. If you run your XenForo forum on a Linode server and have a large number of attachments - it is now possible...
  9. jazz_aaf

    Unmaintained [Jazzaaf] xenAntiVirus 1.0.1

    Description: This add-on will check new attachments for viruses and malware code using's api. Features: Disable new attachments until marked clean. (on/off) Exclude File Types. Exclude User Groups. Use in Private Conversations. (on/off) Permission-based access to the report...
  10. XFA

    Unmaintained [ITD] Basic File-type Icons for Attachment Icons II 1.0.0

    Set of 57 basic file-type icons, to use with [ITD] Attachment Icons II Instructions: download the resource and upload the contents of upload folder to your root path and install from ACP>Add-ons, or Download the resource and select the same from XF default Install/upgrade from archive...
  11. Don Daniello

    Lack of interest Daily stats: attachment downloads and traffic

    It would be great to be able to capture daily statistics of attachment downloads as well as traffic (downloads count * attachment size). This isn't easily possible via access logs if attachments are stored in Object Storage. Having that data in DB would open up some possibilities for addons...
  12. Fastline

    XF 2.0 Attachments/Image links are broken

    By default, when there's a reply to a conversation or a post, the mail is received, if the option is set. If the post or conversation has a attachment, it also shows "View attachment XXX". But it doesn't shows. The links are broken. * XXX refers to the attachment number in the forum. I'm using...
  13. Fastline

    XF 2.0 Issue with quotes

    When i quote some post, and the post has some images, and reply to it, it says View attachment XXX but don't display the images. How can i fix it? I'm using XF 2.0.x
  14. X

    Attachment Improvements By Xon 2.6.5

    A collection of improvements to XF's attachment system. Byte-range support for resumable downloads Primarily designed for partial content requests for streaming videos, but will work with any file Dependant on the filesystem /internal_data being local, as the remote file system APIs do not...
  15. D

    Lack of interest Retina attachments

    I was wondering if maybe XF could support retina for attachments. Two main way I can think of but maybe something better Im not familiar with. 1. Read in the EXIF data, find out if Pixels Per Unit X is larger than Image Size X - if they are divisible by a value greater than 2, floor to nearest...
  16. R

    Lack of interest Admin Tool to Rebuild post attach_count for all posts based on actual number of attachments

    Would be nice to have Admin > Tools > Rebuild (admin.php?tools/rebuild) option to rebuild all post attach_counts based on actual # of attachments associated with post id.
  17. R

    Not a bug All Image Attachments Converted to Links when Deleting Some Attachments

    This bug occurs in 1.5 and 2.0. If you have a post with a lot of image attachments, and you go in and delete several of the attachments (both inline and the attachment itself), the remaining images are all converted to "view attachment xxxxx" links (like they are quoted). Here is an example...
  18. Mike Fara

    Not a bug CTRL-V of images results in error

    Environment is Windows 10 under the latest Chrome. Lets try this on No issue. I was asked to post this here as a bug, but it appears to be something on my forum.
  19. P

    XF 1.5 "Parse" attachments on post/reply and edit

    Hi, i need to parse attachments when they are posted. Its because i want to save additinal info about some types of attachments. I have found that i can extend forum->createthread, thread->save and thread->reply function/class but they dont fire on edit so i am a bit lost here. Is there a...
  20. Alpha1

    XF Advanced Downloads Manager

    The Xenforo Resource Manager is not intended as a downloads manager. This is something that comes up in XFRM support discussions. XFRM has mandatory functions for versioning, updates, support URL, which are not applicable to a normal use case of Downloads manager. XFRM also lacks many important...
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