Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc)

Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc) 2.9.0

No permission to buy ($55.00)
Each Tier Includes 1 year of Support and Upgrades.
  • $25 per year to extend support and upgrades access for Standard License.
  • $35 per year to extend support and upgrades access for Premium License.
Does this addon contain any "call home" code? No, none of my addons contain any "call home" functionality.

Does this addon contain any encrypted code? No, none of my addons contain any encrypted code. All source code is fully visible.

Will you be creating an XF2 version of Showcase? Yes.

Will there be a fee to upgrade from XF1 version to XF2 version of Showcase? There will be NO FEE, however, those with a special XF1 lifetime license will need to purchase a 1 year support/downloads agreement as the special XF1 lifetime support/downloads only applies to XF1 versions of the addon.
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