s9e Media BBCodes pack

Unmaintained s9e Media BBCodes pack 20231102

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If you want the embedded media to adapt to the display size, go to your Admin CP in Home > Options > s9e Media Pack and set Max responsive width to the maximum width you want them to take.
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Reactions: thumped and Xon
Videos play automatically. There's currently no way to change this behaviour.
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This update adds a couple of new options in the admin panel. If you go to Home > Options > s9e Media Pack you can now configure which categories of media sites are enabled. For example, the .cn category enables Youku, .ru enables Rutube and VK, while gaming enables Twitch and Viagame among others. Here's complete list of sites per categories. Note that you do not have to reinstall after changing the categories or the list of excluded sites anymore.

There's now a small acknowledgement in the page footer in the form of a link back to this page, below XenForo's copyright notice. It can be toggled freely (at no charge, despite the currently misleading labelling) in the admin panel.

In other news, MSNBC has been updated and eBay has been finally removed since eBay To Go will never come back.
Twitch changed the variable used to identify archived videos today.
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Uses a protocol-relative URL
Allowed dashes in document IDs
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Added support for Flickr photos. I don't think anybody uses Flickr videos.
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