Roleplaying Dice - Trigger Pack for Postbot

Unmaintained Roleplaying Dice - Trigger Pack for Postbot 1.1

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.3
  2. 1.4
Additional requirements
You must have the add-on Postbot by Bloodcinder installed and activated.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Visible branding
Roleplaying Dice Trigger Pack
for Postbot by Bloodcinder

This trigger pack requires Postbot by Bloodcinder.

It includes the following triggers currently for help in playing and running roleplaying games online...
  • !roll rolls dice using an easy syntax specific to this add-on, useful for D&D, Pathfinder, and d20 variants (example)
  • !rolz rolls dice using syntax, useful for d20 variants as well as Savage Worlds, d6, and more
  • !fu rolls dice for the Freeform/Universal RPG (FU) system
  • !fudge for rolling Fudge/Fate dice with icons (example)
Because the postbot is the one who posts the results, players can roll their own dice but they can't tamper with the results. No longer does the game master have to roll for everybody just because you're playing on a forum.

You may demo this trigger pack in this thread at my website. Guests can look and post, but you must register and confirm (or ask for manual approval) if you want to try the triggers. There are no screenshots here at XenForo, but check the links to the examples where you can see the triggers in action.

To install this trigger pack, upload the files as you would a normal add-on, BUT do not try to install it like an add-on. Instead, go to [Applications -> Postbot] and select Import Triggers. Import the included XML file to add the triggers to your installation. If you need to upgrade these triggers in the future, you must repeat this process, but your triggers will be preserved if you upgrade the main add-on. To use the icons for the !fudge trigger, you also need to import the included smilie XML file from the smilie administration page.

After importing the triggers, post !help triggername to see more details about how each one is used.

If you want to see new triggers for other roleplaying games or gaming in general, please suggest them in the discussion thread. I will develop new triggers for a negotiable fee and include them in this trigger pack. I will also develop triggers that have nothing to do with gaming.


For support or suggestions, please post in the discussion thread.
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. Added !fudge for Fudge/Fate rolls with Fudge dice icons (smilies)

    I added a !fudge trigger which can be used for Fudge/Fate and other games which use Fudge...
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