Automatic Reply Preview

Unmaintained Automatic Reply Preview Final

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Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.3
  2. 1.4
  3. 1.5
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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Automatic Reply Preview add-on for Xenforo
by Bloodcinder

When this add-on is enabled, users will be automatically shown a preview after clicking "More Options" beneath the quick reply or inline editor. The default XenForo behavior would require them to manually click the "Preview" button, so this saves a step.

For support or suggestions, please post in the discussion thread.
First release
Last update


4.67 star(s) 3 ratings

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  1. Release has been finalized

    This is not a new release. There don't seem to be any problems with the add-on that anybody has...

Latest reviews

As there is no preview button in the quick reply in XenForo 1, the full-size editor page behind the "More Options..." button serves for that purpose. If you're tempted to rename the button to "Preview...", the next question you will ask is: can I load the preview automatically on the next page?

With this simple add-on, you can. Thumbs up.

Or you cannot. Because it's not working with Firefox. But there's a solution to that, check the discussion thread.

An alternative to this approach is the preview overlay:
Works as described. I'm not sure why in the original functionality one would have to click to see a preview. This little addon makes it easier for my users. Thanks!
Does what it describes :) This is something that my old vBulletin setup use to do, and my members liked the automatic preview. Happy to see this add-on.
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