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XMWidgets - bd Widget Framework Extension [Paid] 1.4.1

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Are the similar threads cached? I am running the other similar threads addon and it works great because it's cached, otherwise the db takes too big a hit
It doesn't cache the results, I can see how that's an issue if you're not using elasticsearch however it does have some downsides (to caching).

If you cache the results you run the risk of threads from private nodes being exposed if the first person (that generates the cached list) has access the next visitors aren't supposed to. That's just one example. Just as a note: @Stuart Wright is running it on which is a big board and isn't having issues.
Just as a note: @Stuart Wright is running it on which is a big board and isn't having issues.
Does he have it enabled for guests?

Is the attachment view for images only?

I'd like to request a widget to show the avatars/list of users who have posted in the thread, maybe with post count too. Often members get reputations and if someone pops in a thread and see someone they know has posted in it, they will continue
Does he have it enabled for guests?
Yes, for me that's the biggest advantage. Most people find your forum via a Google search and land in a thread. By showing them (guests) similar threads, you have a better chance of keeping them at the site and reducing your bounce rate.
Is the attachment view for images only?

I'd like to request a widget to show the avatars/list of users who have posted in the thread, maybe with post count too. Often members get reputations and if someone pops in a thread and see someone they know has posted in it, they will continue
Yes the attachment widget is for showing images. I'm not sure how non-images would work with it unless it was just a list with links to view them.

Requested Widgets noted.
How is the users and posts widgets different than the default framework widgets? In one of your photos you have active users? How does that work?
How is the users and posts widgets different than the default framework widgets? In one of your photos you have active users? How does that work?
I'm not sure how true it still is due to xfrocks updates recently but those widgets used to contain additional options. Active users searches based on the last activity.
Danial could you include prefixes into the titles of similar threads please? It's quite important and probably not a difficult thing to do.
Please add support for XenGrid. It would be nice to have the same widgets for XenGrid.
That's pretty irrelevant to this add on. This add on is an extension of bd widget framework, I will consider making the same widgets for XenGrid when it's done, they won't be included in this add on though.

Danial could you include prefixes into the titles of similar threads please? It's quite important and probably not a difficult thing to do.
Mr. Rite, that is possible.

Daniel -> Danial = Wright -> Rite :p
SELECT 'thread' AS content_type, search_index.discussion_id AS content_id
FROM xf_search_index AS search_index

WHERE MATCH(search_index.title, search_index.metadata) AGAINST (? IN BOOLEAN MODE)

GROUP BY search_index.discussion_id
ORDER BY search_index.item_date desc
Params: Disable Ignoring Future Messages Alert +(_md_content_post _md_content_thread)
Run Time: 0.000137

SELECT thread.*
user.*, IF(user.username IS NULL, thread.username, user.username) AS username,
node.title AS node_title, node.node_name,
post.message, post.attach_count,
GREATEST(COALESCE(thread_read.thread_read_date, 0), COALESCE(forum_read.forum_read_date, 0), 1418843851) AS thread_read_date,
thread_user_post.post_count AS user_post_count,
permission.cache_value AS node_permission_cache
FROM xf_thread AS thread
LEFT JOIN xf_user AS user ON
(user.user_id = thread.user_id)
LEFT JOIN xf_node AS node ON
(node.node_id = thread.node_id)
LEFT JOIN xf_post AS post ON
(post.post_id = thread.first_post_id)
LEFT JOIN xf_thread_read AS thread_read ON
(thread_read.thread_id = thread.thread_id
AND thread_read.user_id = 1)
LEFT JOIN xf_forum_read AS forum_read ON
(forum_read.node_id = thread.node_id
AND forum_read.user_id = 1)
LEFT JOIN xf_thread_user_post AS thread_user_post
ON (thread_user_post.thread_id = thread.thread_id
AND thread_user_post.user_id = 1)
LEFT JOIN xf_permission_cache_content AS permission
ON (permission.permission_combination_id = 484
AND permission.content_type = 'node'
AND permission.content_id = thread.node_id)
WHERE thread.thread_id IN (445, 443, 442, 439, 438)

Run Time: 0.001242

It runs these queries which are basically just running the thread title through the search index. If you use elasticsearch it performs better. You can cache the widget if you want and that'll help performance as well (just like any other widget). There is a minor risk if you cache the widget though, an admin could be the one the one to trigger the cache rebuild which could/would result in a guest seeing a thread that they shouldn't be able to.
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