Let me please make a common reply if you don't mind. I've reacted to the post of Tajhay who pointed out that bumping a thread to keep alive might seem curious (
source). I've just explained him my point of view that can be shared for someone who is able to see and read (which should be most of us in theory): this website has been made, until now, to help developers to promote their resources. And saying that the promotion doesn't target in priority paid resources is dishonest. Mostly all the communication on this website is based on them. The "win a free copy" operations are just an example among others. Anyway this purpose is not hidden either (
see that post). So missing that point is something, let's be the as neutral as possible, quite "strange".
Let's go back to the original remark of that thread about the "bump". Is bumping a thread to promote commercial addons is something that should/should not be done? This question is legitimate and the answer belongs to XenForo moderators. Now I don't see where I've insulted this website. Yes, I'm clearly opposed to the concept of promoting mostly exclusively paid addons, of organising conquests which mixed paid&free addons, of allowing paid developers to vote, and even letting the administrator(s) of this website to be at the same time judge and jury which from an editorial perspective is a shame, but I only used the vocabulary of "communication" which I opposed to "information".
Now it's absolutely true that I've got a personal problem with the main developer of this website as he has explained himself a few posts above. I've already said this 1/2 week ago, XenForo moderators chose to delete my posts, so there is nothing to discuss about it. The only thing that has changed since then is the reference of my addons has been deleted (they were free for information; <= this might avoid any false allegation), so yes I chose the word "censored" on purpose. But again this is the right, and the responsibility of administrators who claim to create a website about "resources". And my reaction about the question of bumping that thread has nothing to do with it.
The second point of my previous posts is that I've asked to be added to the credit of an addon since I've contributed for and, I think, helped the community. I've also proposed another solution which was to use another version of this addon for which I didn't participate. This way the censor policy could still apply. Everybody was happy living one's life in one's side. I don't see where the "bad" to say/request that. I said "bad" because I forgot the original expression used by the main developer of this website and I can't get it back since the post has been edited again.
I would like to say something about this method to edit a post after some reactions have been given. From the perspective of having an honest debate, this method is disgusted & repulsive. Last time I've been forced to made public some private conversation since I've been accused of not saying the truth and this was the only way I have to defend myself. I come back a few minutes and the previous post has totally been edited making my previous reply look like a none-sense and presenting me like a fool. And it happens again today with
a post on XenForo and with a post on
xfshowcase. This last post was about my request to be quoted in the credit (which is a normal thing for which any developer should not "miss the point"). The first reaction is "
Its removed from the listing. I choose not to show it as a "featured" product for our site in this thread". Well ok, the addon has been deleted. That was not what I was asking... The addon is indeed deleted in the XenForo post(
this one). I'm curious, I'm going to have a look on the website a few minutes later. I see my pseudo has been added in very little and in pink... What should I understand with this very strangely way to be added to the credit? Is this website is really about XenForo ressources ? What kind of administrators/developers would dare to do such a shameless thing? This is such stupid, I don't react. And I was right not to since the message has been edited, again, and my name pseudo is no more in the reference.
So Chris, since you seem to miss the point and you're reacted in public , I'm asking you: are you joking? Is this a way to behave? Come on, since the debate has taken place I've reacted quite politely and peacefully but this kind of behaviour is a shame and if you're really an administrator of this website (which I didn't know) you should really put some rules.