[XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2

[XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 [Paid] 5.3.0

No permission to buy (€60.00)
Percentage on sales, selectable by category: admin gets a commission on sales

I'm interested in this feature that you outlined in your post. Does that mean when a payment goes through between a seller and a buyer on the forum, my PayPal account will get a cut?
I'm interested in this feature that you outlined in your post. Does that mean when a payment goes through between a seller and a buyer on the forum, my PayPal account will get a cut?

Yes if you use percentage on sale.
I'm interested but would this work with DragonByte Credits? If I wanted users to use "credits" as there way of a payment for a physical product?
No you can't buy with credits.

But I hardly understand the use case, except if you see it as a admin-only selling ?
Because if it's standard users selling physical goods, how would the credits purchase works ?

No you can't buy with credits.

But I hardly understand the use case, except if you see it as a admin-only selling ?
Because if it's standard users selling physical goods, how would the credits purchase works ?


You can earn these credits by being active inside of a forum so therefore once they have achieved enough "Credits" they'll be able to purchase a physical good from the shop, and have it delivered to them for free instead of paying RL money.

Same thing goes for your 2nd question if users are selling physical goods they can ask for "credits" or "RL" money.
Ok but that doesn't really answer the point.
If a user sells to another user, then the seller gets credits added to his account ?

The error is pretty self explanatory.
Our add-on works on top of the XenForo Resource Manager so you need that installed.

For [XFA] Core it's an add-on you can download from our site.

The error is pretty self explanatory.
Our add-on works on top of the XenForo Resource Manager so you need that installed.

For [XFA] Core it's an add-on you can download from our site.

Ok thanks, now I understand why am getting those errors

What's surprising is you should have a default image displayed that is in your styles/default/xfa/rmmarketplace folder.
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