[XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2

[XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 5.5.2

No permission to buy (€60.00)
Corrected bugs:
  • Editor fields not shown in resource add if not all product types are authorized
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Reactions: GameNet
Corrected bugs:
  • Error when trying to purchase physical resource
  • XF\Db\Exception: MySQL query error [1364]: Field 'comm_text_purchase' doesn't have a default value

New features:
  • Added support to PayTR Virtual Pos iFrame API payment profile (with new Core version)
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Reactions: GameNet
Corrected bugs:
  • Line 8: Tag macro must have an attribute name. - Template name: public:xfa_rmmp_updates_non_purchaser
Corrected bugs:
  • « Purchased from » badly entitled « Purchased by » in « Your purchases » page

New features
  • Capability to hide updates log from users that haven’t purchased the resource
  • Permission to view all updates log
  • Option to separately set the number of updates logs per page for paid resources
  • Option to select the updates logs order for paid resources
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Reactions: GameNet
Now that XF2.3 is officially out, we consider our product as stable.

Corrected bugs:
  • With XF payment processing method, 0.00 invoices could be generated
  • call_user_func_array(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, class XFA\RMMarketplace\Pub\Controller\Order does not have a method "setupPurchaseInfoCreate"

Don't forget to make backups before you install the product.
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Reactions: GameNet
This version contains a significant change as we reworked purchases into order, paving the way for future cart implementation.

This is pre-release software. It is not officially supported.
We do not recommend running it in production and especially we recommend users to try an upgrade on a copy of the production environment first.

Corrected bugs:
  • XF2.3 compatibility
  • Percentage on sale taking into account shipping costs
  • Other payment mean missing from license renewal
  • Call to a member function canSellChildResource() on null
  • Error: Call to a member function isForSaleInMarketplace() on null src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/XFRM/Pub/Controller/ResourceItem.php:322
  • Double ‘:’ in coupons list

Major change:
  • Reworked Purchases into Orders taking into account both purchases and renewals
  • Purchases list revamped
  • Communication phrases revamped, renewal ones removed

New features:
  • Capability to force resource watch upon purchase (option)

Don’t forget to close your website before doing the upgrade
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Reactions: GameNet
Corrected bugs:
  • Users can’t purchase new digital products when "Redirect users to renew when they own a renewable license" option is active
  • Users can’t purchase a new license for themselves or for a friend when "Redirect users to renew when they own a renewable license" option is active
  • Purchase child resource menu appears in resource’s header despite the lack of child resource
  • TypeError: XF::asVisitor(): Argument #1 ($user) must be of type XF\Entity\User, null given, called in /home/thkw8765/public_html/src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/XFRM/Entity/ResourceItem.php on line 117 src/XF.php:608
  • Error: Call to undefined method XF\Mvc\Reply\Redirect::getParam() src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/XFRM/Pub/Controller/Category.php:24

We have had low reports, we consider 5.3.0 to be stable now.
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Reactions: GameNet
Corrected bugs:
  • Wrong permission check in edit sale page for other payment means acceptation
  • Missing serial key format field in edit sale page
  • Download button not visible for purchasers when a product sale has been disabled
  • Custom payment payment processing purchase form not inline with the XF payment method purchase form

  • Renamed license key generation to serial key generation
  • Prefixed all database tables with xf_ to meet XenForo Resources standard
  • Default discounts list to latest created desc
  • Removed user personal info input from digital product manual purchase forms
  • Added purchase validation form on license renewal in custom payment processing mode

New features:
  • Permission to activate automatic serial key generation
  • Parent/Child resources to limit resources purchase to parent resource purchasers (useful for DLC)
  • Option to force redirect to license renewal when clicking on purchase button if user owns a renewable license
  • Coupon system

This version is a release candidate, it has been tested but bugs may remain. Use with precautions on a production site.
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Reactions: GameNet
Corrected bugs:
  • Argument 1 passed to XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity::addCascadedSave() must be an instance of XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity, null given, called in src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/Pub/controller/Dashboard.php on line 86
Corrected bugs:
  • Call to a member function getCommunicationDataFromType() on null - src/addons/XFA/RMMarketplace/Service/Purchase/Notify.php:79

New features:
  • Automatic license key generation capability, activated through an option and configurable per resource
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