[XFA] Extended Cover

[XFA] Extended Cover [Paid] 4.2.9

No permission to buy (€8.00)
Like this ? http://prntscr.com/c8vo0w

If yes,
  • in xfa_ec.css template add this :
.xfa_ec_cover_item .social-likes {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 10px;
    right: 10px;

  • in xfa_ec_slideshow template after
<xen:require js="js/xfa/extendedcover/extendedcover.js" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="PATH/social-likes_classic.css">
<script src="PATH/social-likes.min.js"></script>

Remplace PATH to link your file

  • in xfa_ec_slideshow_item template after
<div class="content {$xfa_ec_contentType}">{xen:raw $content} </div>

<div class="social-likes">
            <div class="facebook" title="Share link on Facebook">Facebook</div>
            <div class="twitter" title="Share link on Twitter">Twitter</div>
            <div class="plusone" title="Share link on Google+">Google+</div>
I have try this code so, if you can't send me admin access, i can't do more for you
Check if your PATH to file is ok and you haven't error in browser console
<xen:if is="{$xfa_ec_contentType} == 'xfaEcThread'">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="PATH/social-likes_classic.css">
<script src="PATH/social-likes.min.js"></script>

<xen:if is="{$xfa_ec_contentType} == 'xfaEcThread'">
<div class="social-likes">
            <div class="facebook" title="Share link on Facebook">Facebook</div>
            <div class="twitter" title="Share link on Twitter">Twitter</div>
            <div class="plusone" title="Share link on Google+">Google+</div>

This should be work
I love this addon and it has added a lot of goodness to my community. One I issue I have is that I have 6 themes that users can select and I only use the user profile of this addon. I don't think I can add different covers of categories or threads for each theme, right? This is important for me because it's very difficult to make a cover images that matches all themes. I tried searching to see if this was discussed but came up empty handed. If I have options for this to changeable depending on the style then I am about to really take advantage of this!
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