XF Legal Donation Fund - David vs. Goliath

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Yes, we call it "trolling". Paul M understands it very well, so well in fact that he wrote a modification to deal with it.

It's called "Miserable Users".....:)

We don't, but whatever dude I would suggest taking things a lot less seriously.
Ok everyone chill. :)

The topic of this particular thread is not vBulletin. So back on topic please.

Sorry Peggy, explained myself to Paul via PC. Must write up a tutorial on the concept of "fishing", note we have another member here who is even better at it.
Slightly miffed, was hoping to take this one over 20 pages ... if it wasn't for those meddling vborgers LOL
I had a feeling I'd have to use it.........

That is perfectly true of course, what people do with their money is their choice.

However, if people have spare money to donate to a cause, there are far more worthy real life charities that would love some extra money to help save many lives. :)

That is the inevitable response to nearly any charity you can name - it's the 'always someone worse off'' syndrome, even when you're talking about one charity that saves lives vs. another charity that saves lives. Case in point: those who complain about people who donate to feed the hungry in the U.S. vs. people who feel that starving children in third world countries are more deserving of those funds.

A donation is freely given for a cause someone believes in, if it were done on the basis of who deserves what or who should have the priority, I doubt that any committee in the world could agree on where the money goes.
Can someone please clarify if this is actually needed?

xenForo - the company - is protected as it is a seperate legal entity and through their business insurance. This is probably why MAK have been named individually as well.

However, in the UK most home insurance policies have personal protection as standard, which covers being sued. This is usually around the £1m mark, i.e. a £3 million GBP fighting fund.

I am not against this kind of thing if it is needed, but if it isn't then I don't see the point.
Can someone please clarify if this is actually needed?

xenForo - the company - is protected as it is a seperate legal entity and through their business insurance. This is probably why MAK have been named individually as well.

However, in the UK most home insurance policies have personal protection as standard, which covers being sued. This is usually around the £1m mark, i.e. a £3 million GBP fighting fund.

I am not against this kind of thing if it is needed, but if it isn't then I don't see the point.
I believe I read somewhere (maybe it was up here, but I think it was in irc) that they won't actually go ahead with it until they're sure it's needed, rather than doing it just in case.
Correct, we have it all on standby, if needed we will certainly spring to action.

We are all super busy right now as are all of you guys ... so we haven't had a chance to get the site live, but we will over the next week. :)
Sorry Peggy, explained myself to Paul via PC. Must write up a tutorial on the concept of "fishing", note we have another member here who is even better at it.
Perhaps "fishing" (aka: "trolling") would be best suited for a different thread than this one.
That is perfectly true of course, what people do with their money is their choice.

However, if people have spare money to donate to a cause, there are far more worthy real life charities that would love some extra money to help save many lives. :)
But doesn't this assumes that people are not donating already to other "worthy causes"? Like multi-tasking, why can't people donate to a variety of organizations?

Also, people donate for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it is because they have firm moral beliefs and the organization they are donating to helps further those beliefs. Sometimes they have political beliefs and the organization representing those beliefs can be best served by financial support to continue their message/action. Sometimes people donate for causes that make a specific geographical area or populace more livable or have a better lifestyle. Sometimes people donate because they believe that it will benefit people not necessarily in lifestyle, food, shelter, etc... but through other means, technological. Sometimes people even donate to organizations that may result in direct benefit to the donator. There is nothing wrong with any of these reasons to help support an organization. And that people would donate to assist a smaller company providing a service that a large company with near unending resources, is the latter 2.

There is nothing wrong with supporting that which you believe in (assuming that the movement/organization isn't necessarily harming others).

Lastly, speaking of charities, I highly recommend www.charitynavigator.org to seek the reputability of charities (in the US). You'll find the financial breakdown here, the amount of administration fees in comparison to the funds being spent on the target charity application, etc...
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