xF Host Update

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Did a traceroute from various locations. They may be carrier neutral, but at least from my limited testing all traffic to Gorack backhauls through Atlanta.

I saw several like that, but I also did see several peer in via Miami or Houston
How do you know so much about everything? Your like a genius bro.
It's common sense if you use hosting. Nobody uses OVH if they care about their customers,they are the definition of cheap junk, shortly followed by BurstNet, then ColoGuys.

Can't go far wrong with Softlayer, although I've had some pretty awesome service from HostDime down in Florida, and SingleHop are decent as well.
interestingly, when I check the IP's of the spambots visiting my Forum, the most of them are coming from OVH.
They are constantly trying to register at my Forum every day... the whole day long :mad:

Why is OVH not shutting them down ??? :cautious:
It seems providing services to spambots is a good business for OVH as well...o_O

Anyway, OVH and anyone providing their hosting-services will not get 1 single $cent from me.....




Decimal: 92780156
Hostname: ks3288983.kimsufi.com
ISP: OVH Systems
Organization: OVH Systems
Services: Recently reported forum spam source. (1003)

Did a ping test on old location vs jacksonville1.xfhost.net

OVH wins every time :confused:

Compared the public domain and also the private IP. OVH still won.

Last time I checked, Mike didn't switch OVH because of connectivity issues.
Explain? .....

This whole thread is about how Mike blames OVH for poor services and that he's moving to a new provider.

His last post even said he's moving people to that new provider and gave 2 examples of people who are already there.

Where do you see him saying otherwise? o_O
I get that and respect that. But I don't understand, AlexT's comment.

And when comparing the old with the new, the old seems to be faster. :confused:
Never mind.

I understand his comment now.... I've not been sleeping. Pay no attention.

I just would assume when picking a new location it would be better & faster. And this doesn't seem to be the case.
Yes, I got that now... I'm running a little slow today.... Lack of sleep

But my point is still valid. If you're going to switch for any reason .... It (speed) should be a factor when making a new selection.
It can be fast as light, but if it's down 99% of the time and when you ask them why, or ask for support, or expect them to do anything to improve the situation and they refuse to respond to any of it, or make any effort to resolve the situation, that speed isn't going to get you very far, is it?
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