XenZine Articles [Deleted]

@tenants - would it be possible to just have a global members only view for now? just exclude guests?
Hmm maybe some template edits even - add conditionals? Just so the actual article is not readable by nonreg
I could survive on that for this particular site that needs its stuff to be private. More specific usergroup permissions can wait.
How about using Login As User? If you're logged in as the author then you can edit.

@tenants I want to use this on an old board which I don't dare update to 1.2 or even the top level of 1.5
I have VERY imortant addon cannot get support for it if upgrade interferes.
I can't see where to identify which XF it is but havent upgraded since at least last Jan
Will Xenzine work with old board like this?

I can't guarantee it, I've only tested it with 1.1.5 and 1.2 (but give it a go, the worst that can happen is that it doesn't work).
OK sorry to be a pest but I want to add another To Do but I think others will like it.

42) A-Z Index. Search within multiple page Article or within Category on a search term.
If enabled the pages in the Article or Category show their own search box.
I am trying to rename 'articles' to something else but cannot find the phrase or template of the page /submit-new-article for the "Article Image" input field.

Where will I find this?
Hmm, that one is not a phrase (but it will be next version)

The template you want to look at is:

The params for this template are grabbed via
(this is found in the file libraty/XenZine/Model/Article.php)

The text is found here:
$article['article_image'] = array('title' => 'Article Image',

This will be phrased next version as the phrase xz_article_image

(Each of those titles should be and will be phrased next version)
Hmm, that one is not a phrase (but it will be next version)

The template you want to look at is:

The params for this template are grabbed via
(this is found in the file libraty/XenZine/Model/Article.php)

The text is found here:
$article['article_image'] = array('title' => 'Article Image',

This will be phrased next version as the phrase xz_article_image

(Each of those titles should be and will be phrased next version)
Thanks that fixed it.
I want the Content area of an Article to be able to split into multiple text boxes to make a Directory.
Each of these boxes separately searchable. Search name, date etc Also it forces an editor to enter info in a standard way.
I would set this to apply to a Category.

It's for a bibliography (list of books) but it could apply to all kinds of listings. It could be a tutors' directory ( :) ) sales directory, quotes directory, staff directory, local business directory, classic cars/ bikes directory, music or films directory ...

(I could do this with other addons but would vastly prefer to use beautiful Xenzine)
I want the Content area of an Article to be able to split into multiple text boxes to make a Directory.
Each of these boxes separately searchable. Search name, date etc Also it forces an editor to enter info in a standard way.
I would set this to apply to a Category.

It's for a bibliography (list of books) but it could apply to all kinds of listings. It could be a tutors' directory ( :) ) sales directory, quotes directory, staff directory, local business directory, classic cars/ bikes directory, music or films directory ...

(I could do this with other addons but would vastly prefer to use beautiful Xenzine)


@erich37 thank you yes I see it has been suggested before. But not added to To Do.
Maybe tenants doesn't fancy it? (Of course I am well aware of his heroic workload)

41) Ability for Admin to select a Category, to edit the Content area into multiple text boxes, which are searchable.

For directories, staff list, team lists, sales listings, quote collections, bibliography, webliography, cars/bikes listings, music/films/games listings etc

OOPS there would need to be a compact display of these as rows, not one entry per page.
So this is like a sub-section of one Article - paginating after X rows.
Or maybe this multiple fields part could be the Summary above the article so the content area adds notes, if any.
Last edited:
@erich37 thank you yes I see it has been suggested before. But not added to To Do.
Maybe tenants doesn't fancy it? (Of course I am well aware of his heroic workload)

41) Ability for Admin to select a Category, to edit the Content area into multiple text boxes, which are searchable.

For directories, staff list, team lists, sales listings, quote collections, bibliography, webliography, cars/bikes listings, music/films/games listings etc

OOPS there would need to be a compact display of these as rows, not one entry per page.
So this is like a sub-section of one Article - paginating after X rows.
Or maybe this multiple fields part could be the Summary above the article so the content area adds notes, if any.

I think the location of "custom fields" within the Article-page is a matter of taste.
Put them wherever you like.

"custom fields" could also be turned into "Keyword Tags" and having the ability to filter (searching) those.

regarding "searchable":
I am still waiting for the day until "custom profile fields" are made "search-able" within XF-core code, as this has been suggested multiple times.

Anyway, I know that @tenants is the most capable and most talented developer I have come across in the last couple years. Definitely the best coder in XF-town.
So I am sure he will find a way to do what we are aiming for......

I think the location of "custom fields" within the Article-page is a matter of taste.
Put them wherever you like.

My aim here is to be able to display a neat and compact grid on the page.
So the Summary parts display as a rows.
Then it's easy to scan and click one if you want more info, so the 'notes' with pic are in the content area.

This wouldn't be so good for smaller catalogues or directories, but good for summary of large numbers of sales or unit items (books bikes films people games).

Anyway, I know that @tenants is the most capable and most talented developer I have come across in the last couple years. Definitely the best coder in XF-town.
So I am sure he will find a way to do what we are aiming for......

Absolutely. @tenants is the sleekest coder on XF up there with Syndol.
My aim here is to be able to display a neat and compact grid on the page.
So the Summary parts display as a rows.
Then it's easy to scan and click one if you want more info, so the 'notes' with pic are in the content area.

This wouldn't be so good for smaller catalogues or directories, but good for summary of large numbers of sales or unit items (books bikes films people games).

you want to have a grid for the "Custom fields" being presented at the Article-Page ?
hmm.... interesting idea. (y)

Could you please make a simple mockup of how it might look like ?

you want to have a grid for the "Custom fields" being presented at the Article-Page ?
hmm.... interesting idea. (y)
Could you please make a simple mockup of how it might look like ?

Thank you. This is an excerpt from my bibliography of books.


I need a display to be compact like that. Each item starts with a Bold name is an entry.
The colours are to indicate the separate fields/ columns for this example - not for the final display.
Each of those coloured bits could be replaced with eg.

Name Status Category Price ---- whatever.

If you searched the above directory on Bromwich you'd get this part

bibliog search.webp

each of those items could have extra notes on a Read More which displays if there is more content.
Thank you. This is an excerpt from my bibliography of books.

View attachment 55857

I need a display to be compact like that. Each item starts with a Bold name is an entry.
The colours are to indicate the separate fields/ columns for this example - not for the final display.
Each of those coloured bits could be replaced with eg.

Name Status Category Price ---- whatever.

If you searched the above directory on Bromwich you'd get this part

View attachment 55858

each of those items could have extra notes on a Read More which displays if there is more content.


yeah, but how should the "grid" look like in terms of design / Layout ?
Should it look like an Excel-file or what ? :D

(Only without the colours they are just to indicate separate fields.)

It could be done by making use of the members list component. But I want my directory to integrate with Xenzine so it has tenants' great SEO, and the design with pictures.

I'm honestly not sure whether this would need to be a kind of include template in a multiple page article - paginating A-Z or paginating at say 3o entries per page.
Or would it be best based on a category.

bibliog as article.webp
This is a mockup based on an article page.
Obviously this can be pasted in just as Article content. But that doesn't give the search capacity to find listings which will be on different pages, and see them as results all together on one page. Also in due course searches on the different fields - search name, location, date etc

It depends how big the collection / directory is. It could be a multiple page Article.
Or a big directory could be set up as a number of multiple page articles one for each letter A -Z, or 4 sections A-F, G-L, M -R, S-Z - that can be done manually with links in the Summary at the top.
I've done 34 already (admin edits), I'm just working on a few others

currently this is what is in

Release: not yet
Change Log:
This version mainly consists of enhancements related to Tags (and more)

  • Fix, so that this plugin is compatible with the Widget Framework
  • Article counts were displayed for user without submit-article-permissions, this is now fixed. Users that do not have this permissions now do not display counts in the members profile/members card.
  • When likes > 4 on an article, the like list overlay for these likes was not accessible, this is now fixed
Article List
  • The Image Category Carousel now dynamically resizes when stretching/shrinking the page
  • We now use an overlay that is accessible by hovering over the image (or clicking the image on mobile phones / tabular devices). This allows the Article List to contain more content without crowding the Article List
  • It is now possible to display keywords (tags) and filter by tags for each article in the Article List
  • Likes are now accessible from the Article List
  • Review statistics are now accessible from the Article List
  • Article Summary link has been shortened to a +/-
  • On expanding the summary, if the article is linked to a discussion, a "Discuss Article" button is displayed within the Article List item
  • Category Image - Article Thumbnails now contain a hover title
Admin Options
  • It's now possible to admin edit articles, for users with the permissions "canEditAnyArticle". This is a silent edit, the article will remain published and no notification / activity is triggered. The Admin edit allows you to edit all details, including article image / tags and the article content (including attachments)
Article Submission Options

  • It's now possible to submit to top level categories (child categories are not necessary) ... I'm currently working on this one
ACP Options Members Card / Members Profile
  • Option to turn off Article Counts for all users on Members Card
  • Option to turn off Article Counts for all users on Members Profile Page
  • Option to not display the list of articles in the Members Profile Page for all users

More ACP Options
  • It's now possible to turn off reviews for each category (or you can turn off all the reviews for every category for environments that wont use them). The articles will then not display stars / reviews on the article list and article / article tabs
  • PimpMeXenZine: Options to remove the blue XenForo core borders and core styles to make the article list look less core and more custom (however, this option is not ticked by default, since the colours may not work with all non core styles)

The Article List now has hover effects (these also work as click affects on tablets / mobiles)... This allows the article list to feel less crowded, yet still have additional functionality

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