Add-on XenReviews [CrowdFund]

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Daniel, you really should just start from scratch, trying to fix someone else's broken code is never fun and never easy, and it rarely ever turns out well.
It's beta software and doesn't work. You should check out @Bob 's Showcase to see if it meets your needs. Showcase is feature packed rock solid software. But XenReviews and Showcase are two different animals.
I was waiting for XenReviews and decided to go with Showcase and it is AWESOME. Works great. You can see my site to see it used as a review system.
Custom Fields are a little more stable. I have a few widgets done that aren't currently visible. The widget that I'm happiest about is the one that allows you to select a custom field to show the contents of. You can see the map working on XenMods. It just came up that there's an error when creating an item, I'll be fixing that tonight.

I've also started on bringing back the question and answer functionality from early alpha versions.

Please save bloat for later and focus on the agreed functionality.
Generally I agree and that's what I'm trying to do by trimming the fat of XenGrid and some other nonsensical stuff. That Question and Answer package was fairly complete. All I've done at this point is download the zip that was shared a long time ago and installed it on Xenmods. It's not apparent yet because of the templates being changed from Alpha 3 until now. It's obviously not a high priority but it was brought up recently so I figured I'd see what was involved in bringing it back -- and it isn't much. It also was part of the original agreed functionality.
It allows users to ask questions about the item and answer those. It's basically question and answer threads. Similar to best answer addons.
It has been 8 months since you resumed responsibility over this project. I hope that you can understand that so far we
have not seen any significant process and that it looks like more of what we have been seeing month after month. No progress and no releases. Instead of your earlier statement that we could track progress on your site you have just removed xenreviews files from your site.

Meanwhile you work on another addon that has a lot of very similar functionality. As if the money we paid you is of lesser importance than your new income.

Mind that the originally agreed project cost was $3000 to pay 2 developers to develop this. In the end almost $6000 came in and you personally ended up with way more than originally asked for. Even when taking your dispute with your partner developer into account. So there should not be any reason to put this paid for project on the back burner, and basically resell the same features to someone else. It would be fair to complete the project you were paid to do, before taking on a new similar project.
Especially since you convinced me and @SelfSufficientMe to pay you for equity in xenreviews and we are both owners of the xenreviews copyright. Reselling very similar functionality while we co-own the copyright to these features creates a very messy situation. One that no one is happy with.

@SelfSufficientMe and I couldn't care less about copyrights if we see significant advancement for xenreviews and we can expect to receive the project we paid for. Currently it does not seem that way.
I'm so annoyed with being told what I made from this project. I got nowhere near what you guys think I did. After fees and stuff, I got maybe 2k tops.
In addition, there has been what I feel is decent progress in the past month. The item view has content again. Widgets for custom fields work.
There's no server errors being thrown.
I realize that nothing I do in this project is going to be enough or good enough.
As per your copyright comment, you guys own equity but there is no copyright on any feature and I'm not using any of xenreviews code on classifieds. If anything I am using classifieds code on XenReviews so if anyone should complain about this it's Stuart.
Even if it was only $2k then that still is more than what was originally agreed upon. ($3000 split between 2 developers = $1500)

I am sorry that this annoys you. But you are not the party waiting for a usable release for several years. You are always free to refund us. The alternative is to start providing us with solid releases.

Of course there is copyrights on the XenReviews features and you have no right reselling any of it without express permission. You sold us the partial ownership which applies to XR as a whole as well as to individual features. Like for example the packages / xenmerchant functionality, xenfields, etc, etc. If you develop the same features for someone else without first delivering the features to us, then that's very murky waters. Simply because you have entered into a contract to deliver these features to us and have sold us ownership over those. Saying that the same features are different code is only sensible if the code has been delivered to us. Which hasn't happened yet. So until XenReviews Gold release has been delivered to us, we can only see any code for the same features to fall under the copyright of XenReviews.
We both know that is significant overlap in features between XenReviews and Classifieds.
Well, you've seen the code for XenFields which is substantially different than classifieds' custom fields (as are all the other features that were mentioned). Once classifieds is released, you're free to buy a license and compare the two. If you feel your copyright is infringed upon, I guess we can move from there.

Just a reminder, Jeff had full control of the project for over a year and was abandoning it. Rather than letting that be the end of it and letting you guys battle it out, potentially in court, I stepped in to take it back. I feel like people aren't recognizing I had a clear break from the project and 100% of the (legal) obligation was on Jeff. Also, probably half the licenses in circulation weren't sold by me and I received $0 for, yet I'm still honoring them. I could have legally let it die there but morally I decided not to.

If you're going to keep bringing up copyrights and legalities and court, is there any reason for me to continue on or should I just wait for subpoenas?

Do you guys really want to double down and spend thousands of dollars (probably more than the $6k you're claiming to be out as a group) to possibly get a refund? Or would you rather continue to be patient and trust that I want this project behind me as well and you will get a completed add on eventually?

I have respect for you all and understand the situation from your guys prospective, I just wish that was mutual.
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