Add-on XenReviews [CrowdFund]

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Is there a way for reviews to include pictures? All the reviews I've seen look like they are just text. I think this would be very helpful for products and stuff where people want to see what the item being reviewed looks like. :)
Is there a way for reviews to include pictures? All the reviews I've seen look like they are just text. I think this would be very helpful for products and stuff where people want to see what the item being reviewed looks like. :)
A "media upload" field has been added to custom fields, it will be included in the next build. It'll allow you to define what extensions to allow, what dimensions, the number of images allowed, etc..

Currently we do have an image field but it is being used for the logo, the new field will allow for galleries and such. You can attach one of these fields to the item so it's available at the time you create/edit the item, or you can attach the field to reviews so a person that is leaving a review can upload images as well. They are integrated with XF attachments so they work the same way, using the same uploader, etc.
Beta 2 has been released! For those of you that have access, please go check it out!

Jeff Berry said:
I'm glad you guys were patient with this release and I think the fact that our bug reports are slowing down is a very good sign. It gave me time to do some UI improvements as well as a custom field overhaul in this build.

Custom fields are now fully supported throughout the system, meaning you can attach them to reviews now which you previously weren't able to, you can have multiple "upload" fields which will allow you to create galleries (we will still expand this later), and the custom fields have been written in a way where it will be very easy for myself or another developer to now add their own custom field types. A developer would only need to create one PHP file and a template in order to define a new custom field type. You'll notice some differences in how the fields display on the UI as well as some differences in how you add them in the backend.

I've also included a gallery widget which is very basic right now but I will improve it as I start getting suggestions for it -- right now it's just a simple javascript slider, and the images will show up in a lightbox where you can scroll through them there as well. This gallery widget will pull all images that are attached to an item -- no matter if they were attached under different fields, attached to the item itself, or if they were attached to a review of the item. They will all be included.

The map widget has also been activated and included by default. It will show for any item that has an address field attached to it.

If you browse around this site you'll notice several other UI improvements (or at least I think they're improvements :)) which will get us heading in the right direction. I think (and hope) that guys will be happy with this build!

Your grids will be reset with this build. This was necessary in order to put some new widgets into the layout as well as update a few of the widgets and how they display the custom fields. I've come to understand this is inconvenient for some of you and for that I apologize, through this testing process I'm not sure what else I can do. My feelings on it are that without the grid, I would be providing you a static layout that could be changed with any upgrade as well, so this is no different. Once we are past these test releases it won't be necessary for me to reset them anymore.

Let me know how it goes!

Another release is up!

Jeff Berry said:
Hey guys,

Gonna start a new topic for this one. I brought a lot of your suggestions into this one. The item view has been changed to a tab interface, maps now work throughout the system including on the category page. The maps also have a custom info panel when you click on one of the markers. This info panel will be developed more later on to show certain custom fileds, right now it just shows some basic information.

Filters are also working in this release however I did not include the widget because of some issues I'm still having with it. You'll also notice the thumbnails for the item images have been changed to be square thumbnails so they look better, and they now open in lightbox galleries as do uploads when you create a gallery field. Item rankings have been fixed, an issue with the discussion threads has been fixed, as well as most other major bugs that have been reported thus far.

Sitemaps have also been implemented for those of you using XF 1.4 already.

Let me know what you think!
This is now the perfect time to install and use the add-on, though I have it running since the last release. :D Congrats on the progress so far. It has come out so well.
Thanks so much. I think we're at a really good spot where the hill-climb is done and I can start dedicating my time to larger features as you guys keep playing with these stable versions we've had lately.

Thank you and everyone else over there at XR for your participation over the past months. All your guys' activity, suggestions, and testing has been the driving force behind the development, so I appreciate all that you guys have done and I'm excited for our future, I think we've only just begun!
I tried to visit their site just now and received a malware warning and Chrome wouldn't load the page. Be very careful...
Weird. I just get the message "No data received." and it doesn't load. Tried on Chrome, Firefox, and IE on both laptops and on my phone. Same issue.
Weird. I just get the message "No data received." and it doesn't load. Tried on Chrome, Firefox, and IE on both laptops and on my phone. Same issue.
I have the same issue along with the Malware issue. But the report isn't coming from Chrome, it's coming from my antivirus program.
I really wish that malware issue would go away :( I don't know what's causing it. I've reported it to every source I could find. I can promise you there is nothing on the site that is malicious, but I understand that you guys are being completely locked out whether you choose to believe my promise or not.

For a while I felt this issue might've gone away cause I hadn't heard of it for a few months, but I guess not. I will keep doing some digging. As far as the site being up though -- it's been up all day with no downtime issues as far as I can tell. I get an email anytime the site does go down.
Just installed for the first time, and must say I'm very impressed with the customization we're able to achieve. Love the custom name for 'items' available to each category. Also love the instance-category scheme. My old ReviewPost database is just itching to be imported. Haha.
Just installed for the first time, and must say I'm very impressed with the customization we're able to achieve. Love the custom name for 'items' available to each category. Also love the instance-category scheme. My old ReviewPost database is just itching to be imported. Haha.

When you say custom name for items, could you elaborate? Does it allow you to create separate things to rate on an item (ie: pricing, quality, performance, etc. of the item being rated)?
I really wish that malware issue would go away :( I don't know what's causing it. I've reported it to every source I could find. I can promise you there is nothing on the site that is malicious, but I understand that you guys are being completely locked out whether you choose to believe my promise or not.

For a while I felt this issue might've gone away cause I hadn't heard of it for a few months, but I guess not. I will keep doing some digging. As far as the site being up though -- it's been up all day with no downtime issues as far as I can tell. I get an email anytime the site does go down.

While I won't need the add on, I'm very interested in following its progress. Hope you fix it too.
When you say custom name for items, could you elaborate? Does it allow you to create separate things to rate on an item (ie: pricing, quality, performance, etc. of the item being rated)?
Custom name example - the Add Item button will say Add Restaurant or Add Car in their respective category.

Yes you can add any number of rating items and scale for different or all categories. It is very flexible that way.
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