Add-on XenReviews [CrowdFund]

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When I try and go to I get a malware infection block by my trusty security software... what's the deal?
When I try and go to I get a malware infection block by my trusty security software... what's the deal?
We were having issues a month or so ago where Google marked the site as suspicious. I couldn't find anything on the server suspicious and requested Google re-review my site and they removed the red flag but gave me no comments in return on what may have been the issue or if it was just a false flag. I hadn't heard of anyone else having any issues since but I may look into it more now. I can assure you you we are not hosting anything malicious.
I was getting that also, but now pages won't even load for me. Like my IP is banned.
Here I'm just wondering if your firewall locked you out maybe because of the flags? Do you get a message like you're banned, or does the host just never resolve?
I'm currently migrating servers. The site is setup and running on the new server already and is already resolving for me. The old site is still up as well. My guess is you're just caught up in DNS propagation. It should be up and running for you soon.
Some interesting information about the new Alpha 6 release:
Jeff Berry said:
This build includes fixes for nearly all of the posted bugs -- a few bugs were left out because I either did not get to them or they are bugs in features that are going to be removed/redone anyway. It also includes a handful of suggestions like reviews being moved to the initial tab among other small cosmetic changes. The biggest feature is XRGrid which is now activated for you to test. You'll see how it lets you change the layout of your page pretty easily. I plan to halt development on that now as it works for it's basic purpose of setting up the page. Later down the road it will be a much more robust system. The only extension of that I will be working on for the next release is converting how custom fields are displayed into being sortable through the grid system too; that way you guys are able to place your custom fields anywhere within the item view instead of being restricted to my three groups.

There may not be a large number of new/big features in this build compared to the last but regardless this is the build I've been happiest with and most confident about yet. This build is kind of the first step to the next major stage of development, as everything that is already implemented is now implemented pretty stably and as I envision it - nothing is 'patched' together anymore, it's all working how it should. Now I just need to evolve it into our specific needs and implement the supplementary features on top of it.
Alpha 5 was supposed to be beta 1. But as that release and this one too contain new features and rewrites of existing fucntionality, it makes little sense to title it beta. This release should be more stable than the one before.
Hi! Loved the add-on and just wanted to know if it is possible to know the planned (or aimed) release date of the gold version?
We're nearing the point where we'll be able to call it a beta -- definitely by the end of this month. For the beta stage I hope to do three releases separated a month apart. For example, If we start Beta 1 on June 1st, we would have Beta 2 July 1st, Beta 3 August 1st, and then a final version September 1st. This seems like a lot of time but as far as basic review functionality we're pretty much there! So the product will be very usable through the beta stages. The extra time will just be to get the more niche-based features designed such as affiliate integration, purchases, upgrades, etc.
We're nearing the point where we'll be able to call it a beta -- definitely by the end of this month. For the beta stage I hope to do three releases separated a month apart. For example, If we start Beta 1 on June 1st, we would have Beta 2 July 1st, Beta 3 August 1st, and then a final version September 1st. This seems like a lot of time but as far as basic review functionality we're pretty much there! So the product will be very usable through the beta stages. The extra time will just be to get the more niche-based features designed such as affiliate integration, purchases, upgrades, etc.
Doesn't matter anymore :p Got too exited and bought it! Can't wait for the final version! :D
I was hoping the move to the new server would clear these issues up. Obviously not? I'll keep digging around. Half of the tools I use online say there's nothing suspicious on the site, and half of them throw red flags :confused:

EDIT: I ran a malware scan on my server, it did find one suspicious file that it removed. Hopefully that was it. Other than that I'm not sure where to look - most of the web tools I use including Google say the site is clean.
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I've got a presales question fellows, I'm looking for the best way to create a travel "encyclopedia" inside my forum. There should be enough levels of categories (for example Europe > France > Paris > Restaurants). Members should be able to post "items" in these categories, along with any photos if available, and other members should be able to review and rate these items. I also want to be able to sort by rating the items inside each category.

Can you please let me know if xenreviews can handle this, or any ideas on how i can use xenreviews to achieve this?
I don't think I can explain it any better than how how you described your needs. XenReviews does exactly that. We support unlimited nesting of categories similar to XF forum nodes. In these categories you post items -- you can set permissions for who can post these, so it can be only your staff or you can allow your visitors to post them as well. On each of these items people are able to leave their reviews which include the star-rating you're requesting. You can also create a variety of custom field types and attach them to the item/review so you can ask your reviewers specific questions about the item, or have them rate specific qualities. Sorting by rating is also possible.

XenReviews is still in it's testing stages but it is becoming pretty solids and supports most of the basic assumed features. We still have a lot of improvements and features to go though, so it'll be a good project to follow!
Thanks, there are other add-ons obviously that could be used in a similar way, but I've tried them and they don't seem to fit my needs very well. I might just buy xenreviews and see how i go with that :)

Does each item you post on xenreviews (as well as each review/response) is essentially a thread in a forum node? (so shows up at "new posts" etc?)
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