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XenMoods 1.1.3

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Lots of issues with positioning of the mood thing here too. Here is the user profile on the right hand side:


Any way I can get that moved to the top right?
Lots of issues with positioning of the mood thing here too. Here is the user profile on the right hand side:
Any way I can get that moved to the top right?
Custom style? Modified default style?
Most of these add-ons were targeted at the default style. If you run any styles that make modifications to the postbit, etc, then you will have to modify the CSS for the location.
Is the site in your signature your site - and can you view those if you are a guest?

I see it's an Audentio style, so odds are the postbit IS modified.
I'm using UI.X from Audentio and since the today's update of the theme, I have this small display bug :


Do you have any ideas on how I could correct that ?
So cute :)

Has anyone released some extended moods I could download? I plan on making some myself but if there are some available I would love to download them :)

The mood in mobile view covers the avatar, and makes the site look odd. Is there any reason behind this? How do I fix this?
@Xyphien I've fixed this on my board for quite a while ago. But I kinda forgot the steps since it's been a while. Your board is live, I assume? I'll try to look into your board directly to see the difference with mine.
@Xyphien I've fixed this on my board for quite a while ago. But I kinda forgot the steps since it's been a while. Your board is live, I assume? I'll try to look into your board directly to see the difference with mine.
Yeah, it's live :O A member actually shared this with me, I totally forgot to check the Mobile view before releasing the new theme. Thank you :)
I installed this on a test site running the latest XF and found that the mood display messed up the profile formatting (on the Your Profile) page in the statistics area, similar to what this user noted.

Also, is there a way for a user to display no mood/turn off the feature? I didn't find that. Thanks.
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