Xenforo Review system - Would you invest

I may be wrong but I believe at one time he accidently uploaded a "bad" image. It wasn't malicious to the end user but it apparently got flagged. He has taken care of it and most Antivirus software no longer flags the domain but one or two still do. He's tried numerous things to get them to clear it but apparently had no success.

It affects my work computer as well but not the ones at my home, it's been a long time; the whole situation is odd.
yes, seems fine, I was there... but avast! blocks the site, I've notified a false alarm to them.
Avast.... ahhhh.... say no more! I don't use that anymore.... I found it bloated and full of false positives.
@Daniel Hood Please fix my account over at xenreviews because my registration was deemed spam! lol
Hi Rob, what is your account name over there? I searched for a Rob but couldn't find you :)

I know some people are still having some issues with the security warning. It seems to be only Avast left that's doing it. I plan to change my server / IP soon, though I don't know if that will take care of it or not -- I've already changed it a few times since these issues started and Avast still hasn't resolved it yet.
@Jeff Berry I registered with "rob" and tripped your spam controls. Maybe you could check your spam logs?
Hey Rob, it did show up in the spam trigger log. I think one of my other admins may have already purged your account though unfortunately :( You may have to re-register.
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This is exactly what I'm after.
When will it be available?
Hey! I'm glad you're interested in our product.

I just posted up Beta 3.8 today, and if all goes well that will be our final beta release. Once I get some feedback on that build and we're sure there are no major lingering bugs, we'll release our first Release Candidate and get it officially posted in the XF store. This could be anytime now.
Im currently using the Showcase addon by @Bob B as a review system. Let me tell you its flawless! Amazing how powerful the addon is and everything you can do with it! If someone would like to test it on my website and see how it can be turned into a review system with little effort, shoot me a PM.
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