Xenforo 2.2 release

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Maybe in 2.2 there will be an analog of blogs or articles in the vBulletin.
Nobody except XF developers knows for sure, but I'd pretty much doubt that - it's rather a niche product for forums and requires a lot of work.

I'd expect things like improved integration of XFMG, WebAuthn, improved API (OAuth Provider), improvements of various systems (Alerts, Reports, etc.)
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While this isn't a comment either way on when XF 2.2 will be available (we're making good progress though) we aren't running out of version numbers, unfortunately.

After 2.1.9 is version 2.1.10 and then 2.1.11 and 2.1.12 and so on.
Well, that's true. You did go up to 1.5.24......
And the longer you wait, the more complicated the migration process likely becomes.

Depends on what extra modifications you are working with. As of yesterday, I hadn’t upgraded since June or so 2018 (I realize this is not recommended or best practice for MANY reasons). My site had slowed down activity-wise and my license had expired and I just had other priorities for a while. Well, yesterday I renewed my license and got the upgrade. It was a seamless process. Not one issue I can complain about.

Very impressed with how XF handles upgrades! 😁
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