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XenFacil Birthday Greetings 4.4b

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Although I set:
  • Image Background Position = 25% 25%;
  • Unsuscribe Text Color = #0000ff;
But its not looking fine. Avatar and greeting image is too big and the text in not looking fine.
Any opinion will be appreciated.
In develop mode, search for xfbg_felicidades_html email template. Into HTML body box, sear for
<td width="{xen:if $xenOptions.xfbg_Con_image, {xen:if $xenOptions.xfbg_Con_Avatar, '70%', '80%'}, {xen:if $xenOptions.xfbg_Con_Avatar, '90%', '100%'}}" id="tdbody">
and add at the end, before closing '>'
It will be thus
Rich (BB code):
<td width="{xen:if $xenOptions.xfbg_Con_image, {xen:if $xenOptions.xfbg_Con_Avatar, '70%', '80%'}, {xen:if $xenOptions.xfbg_Con_Avatar, '90%', '100%'}}" id="tdbody" style="padding:5px;">

Or wait for the next update (I have this in mind for the next update and pssibility for resize images).

Addon is in english (addon-xfBirthdayGreetings-4.xml) but if you select install from InstalarEspañol directory (addon-xfBirthdayGreetings_es_ES-4.xml) you will install into spanish. If you want translate, overwrite your language with language-English-(xfBirthdayGreetings)-4.xml file into Translation folder.

Better yet. Selecting the addon-xfBirthdayGreetings-4.xml file to re-install.

Hi, I have tried to change the color of the unsubscribe link in the options but it doesn't work.
Edit the xfbg_noEmail_sitio phrase and look into for <a href="{boardURL}/account/privacy" style="color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:bold;">{boardURL}/account/privacy</a>. Change the color into style.

I assume this is why whatever color we put in the "unsubscribe text color" box doesn't work, because of the style="color:#FFFFFF in the above phrase?
I'm sorry, I mistook the user's 'valid' state with if there is a bannead user or not.
An update is coming. Sorry for the inconvenience.

uninstalled. Please get the language straightened out. All of my admincp instructions for this were in Italian.
uninstalled. Please get the language straightened out. All of my admincp instructions for this were in Italian.
The xml install file is in english language. In addition, you have the directory instalarEspañol to install in Spanish, and directories traslation and traduccion for language English or Spanish install.

Another thing is that you do not like it.

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