Style XenBase Framework -

ohhh - that's what I get for replying on my phone. I totally misunderstood that for collapsible sidebar blocks. We can look into it but just note we develop from the default setup, no add-ons. Assuming you must have Widget Framework installed?
Blegh, yes. I have Widget Framework, but any sort of guidance would really be appreciated. x_x Thank you!
Blegh, yes. I have Widget Framework, but any sort of guidance would really be appreciated. x_x Thank you!

Can you post in our customer forums? I believe we'll need to give you a slight modification to our js template to work on other templates.
Hod can I change my tags showing everywhere from this:

To something like this:

Basically going across is what I want.
I have replied to your other post in the detour thread. Please clarify which style you are using.
@Russ, Please can you let me know that XenBase Framework only work with your style? Or XenBase Framework available for all installed style included XenForo default style? If this available for all installed style then what does when other style have their own styles Framework?
@Russ, Please can you let me know that XenBase Framework only work with your style? Or XenBase Framework available for all installed style included XenForo default style? If this available for all installed style then what does when other style have their own styles Framework?

XenBase is pretty heavily customized so you won't be able to import other styles onto it if that's what you're asking. We do ship out all style packages with XenBase as a parent style, out of the box it looks similar to the default style. You could use a child style directly of XenBase to make something, of course you can't sell it but you can do it for a personal project.
XenBase is pretty heavily customized so you won't be able to import other styles onto it if that's what you're asking. We do ship out all style packages with XenBase as a parent style, out of the box it looks similar to the default style. You could use a child style directly of XenBase to make something, of course you can't sell it but you can do it for a personal project.

If i do understand then XenBase all Features are available for style Flat Awesome + ?
how can i add my own icon to moneylobby in image below


Its fragzone theme 1.5.12
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