Style XenBase Framework -

You can enable font awesome in the user nav area, which in mobile it will hide the text and show just the icons which usually helps with spacing:

[XB] Font Awesome -> Enable FA Icons in the Visitor Tabs

And would you want like the main navigation as just font awesome?
Yeah I have those enabled.. thank you. :)
Hmm perhaps not, would be messy wouldn't it.. I'm sure just some tweaks may do it.
I'm running Zipped on one of my forums, off hand I don't see a node icon option.. is that not included in Xenbase?
I'm running Zipped on one of my forums, off hand I don't see a node icon option.. is that not included in Xenbase?

We have the ability to set font Awesome icons via:

[XB] Font Awesome -> Enable Font Awesome Node Icons, if you don't enable those it'll use the default sprite setup via:

Style Properties -> Node Icons
This may be the wrong place to ask this, I'm not sure.. but Russ, I am having some issues with mobile users.
They're saying the arrows on the drop down menus are too small (fiddly more than anything) is there a way to increase them - as in larger arrow images or something?
I also would like to space the links a bit more on the drop down nav for mobile..
Would appreciate some pointers.. Mobile users are just finding it difficult really, but love it! :D
"We will be going through a server migration so may be unreachable for some time until DNS resolves."
According to the host we were migrating from we were/are receiving a "very large scale" DDoS attack. 8-10hrs before the IPs will be even considered to be unrouted. So at this point I wouldn't expect us to be back online until late tonight.
So I can rock this without needing one of the PixelExit styles right?
Technically yes, if you purchase one of our styles you'll get the XenBase Xml, you can't sell styles made off of it but you can definitely make some awesome styles with it for personal use :)
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