Style XenBase Framework -

Technically yes, if you purchase one of our styles you'll get the XenBase Xml, you can't sell styles made off of it but you can definitely make some awesome styles with it for personal use :)
I literally just want the floating / sticky sidebar. Had a quote for 900USD to get it built. Thought hmmm swear I've seen it on a few mods. Tried a couple and they don't work with 1.5. So as long as you're sure this works on a stock style. With Widget Framework? - Then I'll buy it for sure.
I literally just want the floating / sticky sidebar. Had a quote for 900USD to get it built. Thought hmmm swear I've seen it on a few mods. Tried a couple and they don't work with 1.5. So as long as you're sure this works on a stock style. With Widget Framework? - Then I'll buy it for sure.
That's a hefty quote! Don't look at our framework as an extension to the default style, this is basically the default style with hundreds of changes done for you already.

I believe @BassMan has a plugin specifically for floating nav if that is what your after.

Our framework is simply a collection of changes and features done to the default style that we felt would benefit us and our clients.
That's a hefty quote! Don't look at our framework as an extension to the default style, this is basically the default style with hundreds of changes done for you already.

I believe @BassMan has a plugin specifically for floating nav if that is what your after.

Our framework is simply a collection of changes and features done to the default style that we felt would benefit us and our clients.
I have floating nav and mod bar. It's the sidebar I see as a really valuable tool for advertising. Especially on large forums with long thread_view and forum_list ;) ;)

So, it'll do that yeah?
I have floating nav and mod bar. It's the sidebar I see as a really valuable tool for advertising. Especially on large forums with long thread_view and forum_list ;) ;)

So, it'll do that yeah?

I understand now :), well two things: our floating sidebar is meant to work with short sidebars, I'm not a fan of having a long scrolling sidebar just to make users scroll to the bottom bottom of the page to see the bottom blocks. So... basically if the sidebar is larger than the users initial view it will not scroll down the page.

Secondly ours needs a work to properly function with the floating nav. I'm working on an update which I think I can squeeze in a fix for that but again, ours is meant to work with short sidebars.
I understand now :), well two things: our floating sidebar is meant to work with short sidebars, I'm not a fan of having a long scrolling sidebar just to make users scroll to the bottom bottom of the page to see the bottom blocks. So... basically if the sidebar is larger than the users initial view it will not scroll down the page.

Secondly ours needs a work to properly function with the floating nav. I'm working on an update which I think I can squeeze in a fix for that but again, ours is meant to work with short sidebars.
I have a sidebar shorter than a page fold on 1024 x 768.

Think I'll manage?
It's the sidebar I see as a really valuable tool for advertising.
Maybe with direct sold ads but it's a no go for adsense for example as it's not allowed to let their units float, unless you have special permission to do so.
Our next version has it completely recoded. It'll work left/right, with floating mod/nav/sub nav ect :).

It shouldn't be too much longer before we push out another release but from all my testing it's working fantastic with all setups.
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Heyo, hope I'm in the right place here. Is there a way to make the collapsible sidebar option so that it collapses in forum view, but permanent in forum list?

Some of my members dislike the sidebar in forum view but still want to be able to view it in the forum list/main page without having to click the collapse button every time.
There isn't a collapsible sidebar in XenBase. You must have an add-on installed doing that, ToggleMe is one.
Forgive me, as there is more than one administrator for my board and we all tend to install things, but is [XB] Sidebar not a property for XenBase?

Sidebar Properties
  • Collapsible Sidebar

I am now but a confused noodle.


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ohhh - that's what I get for replying on my phone. I totally misunderstood that for collapsible sidebar blocks. We can look into it but just note we develop from the default setup, no add-ons. Assuming you must have Widget Framework installed?
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