Xen Notices [Deleted]

Here's another notification design and css for those that might be interested. I'll most likely delete the notication/design so though somebody might find a use for it. It's a rolodex design and again like the last one I posted you will have to use the custom field in the settings which will be rolodex upload the image to gradients (or whatever folder) and throw the css in the extra.css template.

#gritter-notice-wrapper.bottom-right {
    bottom: 20px;
    left: auto;
    right: 70px!important;
    top: auto;
.rolodex .gritter-item{
    background: url("@imagePath/xenforo/gradients/notification3.png") no-repeat scroll center bottom transparent !important;
    width: 350px;
    height: 175px;
.rolodex .gritter-with-image {
    width: 200px;
    margin-right: 15px;
    padding-top: 30px;
.rolodex .gritter-dismiss {
  padding-bottom: 20px;
  padding-right: 20px;
  font-size: 11px;
.rolodex .gritter-image {
  margin-left: 18px;
  margin-top: 30px;
  width: 96px !important;
  height: 96px !important;
  border: 1px solid #bfbfbf;
  padding: 3px;
  background-color: white;
  border-radius: 3px;
.rolodex  .gritter-title {
  color: #981414 !important;
.rolodex .gritter-item a {
  color: #981414 !important;
  font-weight: bold;
.rolodex .gritter-item p {
  color: #212121;



  • notification3.webp
    1.4 KB · Views: 3
^Good idea, if I were Chris I'd update the resource description to link to these posts to demonstrate to people what this mod is capable of ;)
Put my money where my mouth is and just bought this add-on. Looking forward to play with it tonight or tomorrow :)
Chris... i have tried letting one of our admin to set up nthe notice as well... but he said he does not have the permission to do that... is the set-up permission given to only super administrator (i.e. to one person only)? Is there anyway i can let him set-up our notifications?
Put my money where my mouth is and just bought this add-on. Looking forward to play with it tonight or tomorrow :)

It'll be a good investment. And, well supported by those that are designing niched, festive etc notifications for them.

A couple of designs I have planned

- Xmas notification (let's start early)
- Android Themed Notification (damn you google ship my nexus7 now) </vent>
- Bacon themed Notification (kev doesn't know it yet but I'm going to pursuade him to get this add-on) Sorry kev :P
- More gaming notifications. (you can never have enough gaming designs)
- Notifications aim at book niched sites. (Hopefully azhria won't see that because she'll have a list for me and suggestions that'll keep me in photoshop till I'm 80)
- <insert mascot> holding a sign (text resides in the sign or speech bubble) most likey aimed at users that won't show the avatars in notifications for maximum spacing and design capabilities (on my part)
- Halloween notifications
- Pig humping a slice of Bacon (random design when I'm bored)
- Many more that I haven't thought of yet (I can thrash out a design from scratch in 15 minutes or less).
Chris... i have tried letting one of our admin to set up nthe notice as well... but he said he does not have the permission to do that... is the set-up permission given to only super administrator (i.e. to one person only)? Is there anyway i can let him set-up our notifications?
I set the permission to be the same as Notoces. Therefore if he can create Notices he should be able to create Notifications.
By the way, I had some... hmm... brain farts last night. Everything I said was fixed, wasn't - at least not to a standard I'm happy with.

The good news is, I've fixed the following bugs (definitely this time) and currently working on some new features.

1.1 Fixes:
* Notification Position drop down now fully phrased.
* Error messages when entering values too high are now more user friendly.
* The title field is no longer a required field. This is good to do image only notifications.
* The Dismiss Notification URL now supports friendly and non-friendly URLs.
* The Dismiss Notification prompt now opens in an Overlay.
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