Xen Notices [Deleted]

Chris D

XenForo developer
Staff member
Chris D submitted a new resource:

Notifications - powered by Gritter (version 1.0) - Allows you to display notifications to your visitors.

This add-on is entirely managed from the Admin CP almost identically to how you manage Notices.

This allows you to display notifications to your users when certain criteria is met.

Let's say you want to display a "Welcome" notification to your new users. You could set it up like this:

Admin CP > List Notifications

View attachment 31582

Click on + Create New Notification

This is the management screen for Notifications:

View attachment 31583...

Read more about this resource...
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What would make you buy it? Is cost an issue? Functionality missing?

Glad you like it :D

I just can't use it. And I don't have any money left atm. But the main reason is that my forums don't need it :(
It's close to perfect :D
This looks ace Yorick!

I just picked up a copy to play around with and support the mod, great guide in the first post too. It looks like it's could be a nice hybrid between using the full on notification system or using something like 'mass alert'. :)
Thank you robinhood! Much appreciated.

Your feedback will be valuable so please let me know if you have any ideas for improvements! :D
Receive this error when creating my first notification:

Screen Shot 2012-07-15 at 5.16.19 PM.webp

The ability to not have the notification fade away would be nice.
Neat idea, Wish is was a tad cheaper so I could afford it as I'd for sure use this if it was. :( Maybe I'll get lucky and you'll have a sale soon and I can get it then :)
Receive this error when creating my first notification:

View attachment 31601

The ability to not have the notification fade away would be nice.
Have you set Time to display notification (milliseconds): set to 0? Or a really high number?

I might need to rearrange the options so they are more logically ordered, but basically if you want the notification to stay on the screen then you need to set it as a "Sticky".


When a notification is "Sticky" it ignores the "Time to display" option and will stay on the screen until it is closed.

As indicated in the options screen, both the title and text will accept HTML.
Neat idea, Wish is was a tad cheaper so I could afford it as I'd for sure use this if it was. :( Maybe I'll get lucky and you'll have a sale soon and I can get it then :)
I asked for people's opinions on price and the recommendation was between $10 and $20, so I went with $15 (or £10).

What would be the price you'd pay for it?
$10.00 would be perfect for my budget atm :)
Ok, well I'm not planning any sales just yet.

I'm going to continue investing a lot of time to this one, so if your budget changes it will be money well spent ;)

As much as I'd like to just discount it for you, that wouldn't be fair on the rest of the people who have already bought it :p
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