Will this be the end of vBulletin?

Is this it?

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Yes. But I'm just saying he would probably get the neg rep.

Still, I wouldn't work for an evil corporation like that. But that's me.

Indeed. People hate Adrian, without thinking that it's not him...
I wouldn't too, but yet, if in the beginning IB would have offered me to run vBulletin.com, I would have taken it xD
Well, I don't think it'll be "the end" per se. vBulletin currently has a large following (which is diminishing rapidly), they can pick themselves off the ground if they want to and I'm sure that Internet Brands will make sure they do. I'm sure they dished out a lot of money, they aren't going to lay down and die.

They have plenty of licenses out there right now, they make too much money to let a competitor take over just like that. I'm not sure they know this, but if they had never made 4.x complete ****, people would still be using it far more.

I think xenforo is clearly the future of forums. They will become a new powerhouse alongside vBulletin and IP.Board.
I don't think it's the end for vBulletin but this development certainly leaves a bad taste for many vB license holders.
vB won't die, but it will decline. I can see their future being very shaky.

It's only a matter of time before most people realize vB isn't that great anymore. And move to some other platform.

I still see some vB4 fanboys there, but that's fine. I know with time they will change their mind as most people.
Kier and Mike had a desire to further evolve and develop forum software, and it sickens me to see IB try to diminish the advancement of such. So much of my life and work is tied into the Internet and I find it of my human nature to seek things that are more efficient and easier to use.

It's as if Internet Brands would like us to use an inferior version of the Internet.
I believe it will hurt IB but will not destroy them. Not everyone knows who Mike and Kier are, much less follow the story. Topics like these are really childish at best and hold absolutely no weight. But I agree that IB's move onto the law suit is basically just to put a hold on the xF sales, which I think xF shouldn't budge for. This case (unless it's proven that portions of the code were merely copied) will not stand in courts.
Hm... Unless you are talking about customers who got into vB after Kier and Mike have left, I don't know how it is possible to not know them.:confused:
Not really. Some people just buy the software and use it to run their forum with, and beyond that stay out of the forum admin world. Some people actually live without all this drama :eek:
Not really. Some people just buy the software and use it to run their forum with, and beyond that stay out of the forum admin world. Some people actually live without all this drama :eek:
How-to's and support are hardly a drama for most people. :)
How-to's and support are hardly a drama for most people. :)

That's true, but I know that I normally don't pay attention to who wrote the how-to. I normally find it through a search, read it, and then move on.

Hanging around a forum like this you quickly find out the cliques and similar.
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