Why "PageNav" removed from mobile view?


Well-known member

I just noticed if I explore Xenforo.com from my iPhone7, I am not able to find "PageNav" at the top of thread page nor forum list.
It is too bad that I need to move to the end of the page just to move to the next page specially if there is a long discussion in that page.

It was fine in (xf2demo.xenforo.com), it removed only from here in Xenforo.com


There are potentially some ongoing changes here (there may be some other page nav changes to come). But there have been various comments regarding wasted space (or non-content space) at the top of the page, particularly for mobiles. In these situations, the page nav at the top adds another chunk of wasted space on every page load for something that is likely infrequently used. Top pagination controls are certainly not an overly common design element elsewhere on the Internet.
There are potentially some ongoing changes here (there may be some other page nav changes to come). But there have been various comments regarding wasted space (or non-content space) at the top of the page, particularly for mobiles. In these situations, the page nav at the top adds another chunk of wasted space on every page load for something that is likely infrequently used. Top pagination controls are certainly not an overly common design element elsewhere on the Internet.

Thanks @Mike
Will it be easy to add it in the top?
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