XF 2.2 Disable 'What's new' page & remove bolt icon from mobile nav bar?


Active member
Is it possible to disable the 'What's new' page entirely and also remove the nav bar 'What's new' bolt icon from mobile view?

So far I have already removed the bolt icon from desktop view using a template edit provided by a very helpful XF community member, however unfortunately the bolt icon still appears on mobile.

Yeah I think disabling public navigation settings only disables the nav bar items, excluding the 'What's new'-bolt icon.
I just removed this from template PAGE_CONTAINER

<a href="{{ link('whats-new') }}"
                        class="p-navgroup-link p-navgroup-link--iconic p-navgroup-link--whatsnew"
                        aria-label="{{ phrase('whats_new')|for_attr }}"
                        title="{{ phrase('whats_new')|for_attr }}">
                        <i aria-hidden="true"></i>
                        <span class="p-navgroup-linkText">{{ phrase('whats_new') }}</span>
Is it possible to disable the 'What's new' page entirely and also remove the nav bar 'What's new' bolt icon from mobile view?

So far I have already removed the bolt icon from desktop view using a template edit provided by a very helpful XF community member, however unfortunately the bolt icon still appears on mobile.

Are you template editing on default template?
Yeah I think disabling public navigation settings only disables the nav bar items, excluding the 'What's new'-bolt icon.
I just removed this from template PAGE_CONTAINER

<a href="{{ link('whats-new') }}"
                        class="p-navgroup-link p-navgroup-link--iconic p-navgroup-link--whatsnew"
                        aria-label="{{ phrase('whats_new')|for_attr }}"
                        title="{{ phrase('whats_new')|for_attr }}">
                        <i aria-hidden="true"></i>
                        <span class="p-navgroup-linkText">{{ phrase('whats_new') }}</span>
I'm wondering why you don't want any sort of what's new? It's very configurable. I only show What's new for certain forums and none of the profile status stuff.
Oh, of course you're right, it certainly does have usefulness for some, or perhaps rather for most fora, and I can appreciate what you're suggesting.

However, as for why I'm wanting to discard it entirely.
The short answer is just that it's not needed.
I just removed this from template PAGE_CONTAINER

<a href="{{ link('whats-new') }}"
                        class="p-navgroup-link p-navgroup-link--iconic p-navgroup-link--whatsnew"
                        aria-label="{{ phrase('whats_new')|for_attr }}"
                        title="{{ phrase('whats_new')|for_attr }}">
                        <i aria-hidden="true"></i>
                        <span class="p-navgroup-linkText">{{ phrase('whats_new') }}</span>
Mr Lucky, once again you have my sincere gratitude.
Thank you for being such a wonderfully helpful community member.
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