XF 2.1 How do you remove profile posts from the What's New page?

If you mean the block of the overview page, the page is made up of widgets. You can remove the profile posts widget.

If you mean the tab at the top, see the whats_new_wrapper template:
<xf:if is="$xf.visitor.canViewProfilePosts()">
   <a class="{$baseClass} {{ $pageSelected == 'new_profile_post' ? {$selectedClass} : '' }}" href="{{ link('whats-new/profile-posts') }}" rel="nofollow">{{ phrase('new_profile_posts') }}</a>
If you mean the block of the overview page, the page is made up of widgets. You can remove the profile posts widget.

If you mean the tab at the top, see the whats_new_wrapper template:
<xf:if is="$xf.visitor.canViewProfilePosts()">
   <a class="{$baseClass} {{ $pageSelected == 'new_profile_post' ? {$selectedClass} : '' }}" href="{{ link('whats-new/profile-posts') }}" rel="nofollow">{{ phrase('new_profile_posts') }}</a>
Yes, I'm looking to remove profile posts from the bottom of the following page:

websitename dot com/whats-new/

Would I remove the code you presented from the whats_new_wrapper template?
It you just want to remove it from that page, you'd do that via the widgets page in the control panel. That page is controlled by "What's new: Overview". You can remove the profile posts widget from that position.
Thank you. I should have known that. I didn't realize that area was also controlled by widgets. Nice 'n easy to change... :)
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