I just noticed if I explore Xenforo.com from my iPhone7, I am not able to find "PageNav" at the top of thread page nor forum list.
It is too bad that I need to move to the end of the page just to move to the next page specially if there is a long discussion in that page.
It was fine in (xf2demo.xenforo.com), it removed only from here in Xenforo.com
I just noticed if I explore Xenforo.com from my iPhone7, I am not able to find "PageNav" at the top of thread page nor forum list.
It is too bad that I need to move to the end of the page just to move to the next page specially if there is a long discussion in that page.
It was fine in (xf2demo.xenforo.com), it removed only from here in Xenforo.com