XenForo 2.0 Discussion

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You clearly have no concept about how long it takes to rewrite forum software like XenForo. That's what XenForo 2.0 will be, a complete re-write. It doesn't happen overnight, it takes months and months. You're being very unrealistic in expecting announcements during the last few months on the release of XenForo 2.0.

And what makes you so knowledgeable about my ability to conceive how long it takes to rewrite forum software? As a professional website developer for the last 16 years, running my own business, I know how long it takes to do complete re-writes. And if you read what has been said previously no one is asking for dates or times of release - simply some indication of what is being planned. You ought to take a step back from your cynical criticism of other people and their 'requests' for some information on what was announced 6 months ago and nothing further said since.

I'm not bashing or knocking anyone - simply asking for an update; that is a reasonable request from someone who has invested heavily in the product and it's associated third party developers.

Why is it needed? To join vB and IPS in their pain?

Because technology moves forward and older frameworks become redundant and depreciated. And yes it involves a dose of pain because what worked in older frameworks may not necessarily port over to the newer frameworks, so you need to go back to the drawing board and lose all your old concepts and habits. It's not just a case of tweaking a few bits here and there - you're literally starting with a blank canvas and a whole bunch of ideas that you want to implement.

On lesser level it's like the move from HTML 4.01 to HTML5 there are similarities but their are also significant differences.
Because technology moves forward and older frameworks become redundant and depreciated.
Many free addons are there from the addon developers which should be included in the core in a new version(1.5) without any new technology.
And what makes you so knowledgeable about my ability to conceive how long it takes to rewrite forum software? As a professional website developer for the last 16 years, running my own business, I know how long it takes to do complete re-writes. And if you read what has been said previously no one is asking for dates or times of release - simply some indication of what is being planned. You ought to take a step back from your cynical criticism of other people and their 'requests' for some information on what was announced 6 months ago and nothing further said since.
It's comments like this that make me wonder about your ability to conceive how long it takes to rewrite software:

If there were no plans for XF2 to be released (or even started) keep schtum and then discussions like this wouldn't emerge.
It's quite clear to be from the first post that they are in the process of re-writing for XF2.0, albeit in the early stages at the time. Bearing in mind that, until recently there were only 2 developers working on XF and they also have XF 1.x and the RM to maintain and update as well as XF2.0 to write, it's pretty obvious to me (and others too) that we weren't going to get any information about XF2.0 in 2014. I'm not expecting to hear anything about it for a few months yet either. I think I'm being realistic in my expectations.

XF 1.x plus add-ons is what you have got now. It's what I have too and many other people as well. It's likely to be what you will be using for quite some time too. It's unlikely that all of your add-ons will be core in XF2.0. Those that aren't may well not be re-written by developers for a little while after XF2.0 is released. So you're just going to have to be patient and wait; if you can't, then maybe you should be considering alternatives.

Personally, and I know I'm not alone in this, I trust the developers know what they are doing and will give us information when it is right to do so and XF2.0 when it eventually comes will be well worth the wait. :)
It's comments like this that make me wonder about your ability to conceive how long it takes to rewrite software:

I've already stated that I do and explained it succinctly, so wonder away!

Many people plan ahead (I do) and those plans are surrounded by expectations of what is envisaged to come; those expectations are often realized from the information at hand. Information allows you to plan ahead - a prime example of this is whether to purchase third party add-on's that fill the gaps left by the software. If the future of XF2 includes plans to incorporate some of what third parties are offering then I would be wasting my money and my time. Lack of information leaves you standing wondering whether to wait and see or to ask for the information.

The title of this thread is asking the question "What's next for Xenforo?" - it's a question raised by the developers! I'm asking!
Most websites are simply HTML, but I do employ a lot of scripting wrapped up with the HTML where it's needed and that includes JQuery, JavaScript and PHP. I also understand that HTML is not PHP and I would never consider myself an 'expert' such as someone who is a certified PHP script writer, but I can adjust and adapt scripts where needed; which is what I have been doing in my current site with XF and the add-on's.

I do understand that frameworks evolve and that adapting an existing script is not always possible, which means a complete re-write from the ground up. That takes time as what worked in a previous framework may work differently (or not at all) in a newer version. However, there is a distinct difference between writing the code and stating what you are considering.

When a client comes to me for a website I ask what they want and then determine whether what they want is feasible and what will be required to deliver it. I will then give them a plan of action and an estimated time for completion. I also provide them with a 'live' test site so they can play with their site and see it as their clients/visitors/potential customers will see it. I then make changes based on their input and requests to finally arrive at the completed site; a site NEVER goes live until the client is happy with what is delivered. I don't advertise my business, everything comes from recommendations and I have a 98% client retention ratio (the other 2% are made up of businesses that either close or their owners retire). The point I'm making here is that I put the client first and foremost and keep them in the loop. I don't say to them when they ask me how far along I am - "It'll be ready when it's ready" and leave them hanging in the air wondering.

The concepts between creating a HTML website and a PHP driven forum are poles apart - what is not poles apart, and never should be, is good customer relations; that's what makes or breaks a business.
I suppose my question is, why would they post an update if they're not at a point where it's possible? I'd rather it be a fully-baked HYS video showing what's coming in XF 2.0 as opposed to another post simply saying this is what we're intending to do.

Show me it, don't talk about it at this point. The OP was made to simply show what their current focus is; it wasn't to say "be on the lookout for our planned features". Planned features are the worst features, because they aren't done. Show me what's working and ready.

With all due respect Davyc, if you think talking about unfinished features is a good way to improve customer relations then you have not spent enough time dealing with the majority of this community. When things change and you can no longer do what you've talked about...then how does one maintain "good customer relations"? I believe this is a question that other forum software companies now are still trying to answer.
I'm hoping to address a few things in this post.

Why announce that you're switching to XenForo 2.0 development so early?

There was a bit of "rock and a hard place" thinking here. When developing 1.4, we had plans for 2.0 in the back of our minds and this influenced what was included in 1.4. Features that may required significant changes to add-ons or features whose data may have had to be redone for 2.0 were not ones we targeted. The menu/navigation manager is a good example of a feature that hits both those points. Conversely, this feature is also the most requested suggestion (by likes) and every time we posted a HYS, it would somehow come up in the comments. As such, we felt that it was important to let people understand our thinking and that meant explaining where we wanted to go next.

I admit it was very early to mention 2.0 and that is something we debated about. Ultimately, we thought it was better to let people know the plans than to hold off on mentioning it until sometime around now (when people may have been expecting 1.5).

When will we see 2.0 released? What's happening?

While we have some internal goals, I'm not yet happy to say any specifics. It's definitely not "close" by any stretch. Don't expect any releases or demos any time soon.

Our first and foremost goal is to reach rough feature parity with XenForo 1.4 while using the new ideas and concepts (see below). This is a very significant task; it's amazing how much functionality there is for what outwardly might appear to be a simple application. While ideas for new features and changes will influence code that's written, in most cases, our focus is on getting the old functionality working on the new base.

It sometimes feels counterintuitive to post updates when you don't feel that you have anything groundbreaking or new to say, but we will certainly do our best to keep people informed.

What are the goals of 2.0?

A major goal of 2.0 is one that is technical in nature: improve developer efficiency. While this might not be a new feature itself, it benefits all development going forward.

If you develop with XenForo 1.x for a while, you begin to see how much boiler plate and repetition there is. You begin to see that it's a pain to get access to data or even know if you have the necessary data available where you need it. And if you don't have that data, things just don't work as expected. Fixing this is a very important part of 2.0 and it involves fundamental changes to some of the lowest level code in XenForo, notably models and data writers.

Further, there are significant changes to code organization to improve code reuse (or reusability) and to help add-on developers apply additional changes to existing code more easily. There are plenty of examples of developers struggling to get new fields in existing forms to save properly due to the code organization of XenForo 1.x (specifically the controllers). This has now been re-approached to remove these problems in as many cases as possible.

Complex processes have been reorganized into distinct objects, improving readability and extendability, while also allowing the code to be used in more contexts than before.

So even though these may not be new features directly, these changes are necessary to ensure that speedy development can continue in the future and that add-on developers can make the changes they need with minimal interference from the core.

How about some more technical details?

Some assorted changes:
  • While you can still write CSS directly, LESS is now the primary language for styling. If you're not familiar with LESS, it's effectively CSS that's more powerful, including things like nesting selectors, mixins, and color manipulation functions. You can read more here: http://lesscss.org/
  • The template syntax has changed to some degree to provide more flexibility. This includes a more powerful function syntax, more direct math/operator access, the ability to create values with specific types (including arrays) in templates, support for macros (callable/reusable templates) with recursion, and support for calling functions on an object.
  • The base unit for working with data is no longer a bare array. It is now an object that represents the specific type, giving you access to call methods on that object or access other data related to it trivially (getting the forum from a thread from a post).
  • While you can still write SQL directly, most data access is done through a builder object. The builder can control what related data is fetched, what conditions are applied (including against related data) and the order of the results. This can be done in any order.
  • We are not explicitly building on top of a particular framework. However, we are bringing in libraries to help with common tasks. This might be a component from Symfony and another one from Zend Framework and another from an unrelated project. It's mostly down to what we feel fits our needs.

While the XenForo 2.0 code we have developed up until this point has been compatible with PHP 5.3, we are currently strongly considering increasing the requirements to PHP 5.4. This would have a number of benefits technically (to us and add-on developers). As PHP 5.3 has been unsupported since August 2014, users should be transitioning off when possible it to ensure that they remain secure.

Regarding feature suggestions and implementing them

We do certainly read each post in the suggestions forum and bear them in mind. We will be looking at taking a more active role in the forum to give more feedback about suggestions. We do also keep suggestions in mind if they're not posted directly in the suggestion forum, but we do use likes on a suggestion as one signal of popularity.

The "lack of interest" prefix is applied programmatically when a suggestion hasn't received a reply in a year and has 3 or fewer likes in total. It is not a comment on our opinion of the feature. If a lot of the "lack of interest" suggestions are important to you, that may indicate that your requirements are fairly specific or unique.

Suggestions are also considered based on technical requirements, overhead they would require (especially when disabled or unused), the size of the potential benefit and, of course, our internal thoughts on the feature/product.

Some suggestions are just plain massive. A good example is the CMS suggestion. This isn't a feature suggestion; this is a product suggestion, a potentially very complex product suggestion. While XenForo is a framework, it is primarily based around the forum software; that is presumably why you're all here. That is likely to be our primary product for the foreseeable future. While it may be worthwhile for us to create a CMS, this would have a knock on effect on everything else we do so this (or any new product) is not something we could take on lightly. In my opinion, it's unfair to cite the lack of a CMS as a failing of a forum software package. It may be something that you need and it may be provided by others, but it's still separate from a forum and our primary product. If you need a CMS that is natively integrated with your forum, unless there's an add-on that you're comfortable with, XenForo is unlikely to fit that and I'm not in a position to say if or when it would fit that.

Regarding "buying" XenForo 2.0

As it stands, we have no plans to change the licensing scheme. If you have a license now and it still has active support/upgrades when XenForo 2.0 is released, you will be able to download it; if your license expires, you can simply purchase an extension to get access to 2.0 (and any other releases that may happen).

If you're unsure about 2.0 or our progress, you're free to hold off extending your license until you see 2.0 in person. License expiration does not affect your access to the forums.
Hoorah!! And thank you so much Mike - that is so reassuring and very interesting. I've been looking at LESS since it was mentioned and it is indeed a very powerful concept for delivering CSS; I'm investigating the possibility of using it alongside my existing CSS3 frameworks alongside vw, vh, and vmin for typography.

As for the CMS part that I really do need, thank you for clarifying your position with that; it now gives me the confidence to move forward with what is already out there that can be 'bolted' on to XF. I'm particularly excited about how the back end will be improved for third party developers, that can only be productive and in sets the imagination free; not much use for me as I don't develop, but I can see the potential for our collective of talented developers.

I knew that XF was the right software to stick with and that belief has now been solidified, so thank you again for the update.

While pretty much everything mentioned sounds great, I think the fact that feature parity is being maintained is a great reassurance.

I'm also very happy to hear about a renewed focus on making lives easier for add-on developers. I have written a number of tools and expanded on existing tools to make things easier and faster so it's great to hear 2.0 will give this area some love.

Pleased. :)
One post to rule em all! But I'm still pretty sure not everyone's going to be happy, but that is sadly the way everything works - can't make everyone happy.

I'm excited and cannot wait to see what xF has in store for me and my community. I have immense faith and trust in xF as a product.
While you can still write CSS directly, LESS is now the primary language for styling. If you're not familiar with LESS, it's effectively CSS that's more powerful, including things like nesting selectors, mixins, and color manipulation functions. You can read more here: http://lesscss.org/
Love this, but I would highly recommend looking at SASS/Compass as a potential alternative. LESS is fine if it's the only choice, but I hope it isn't. When the company I currently work for investigated which path to go down, some of the more valuable things we noted were:
  • The @ symbol already has level of importance in CSS while the $ symbol that SASS uses does not.
  • SASS has a great (all-in-one) companion in Compass. While LESS has serveral extensions you can use, it doesn't have an all in one solution.
It would be nice to have the ability to pick and choose your preprocessor, but that would mean that you would have to create a converter of sorts when switching since LESS cannot compile SASS and vice-versa.

Not trying to nitpick, but that's my $0.02 :)
Our first and foremost goal is to reach rough feature parity with XenForo 1.4 while using the new ideas and concepts (see below).
From the viewpoint of a simple user/admin, this was the most important news I wanted to hear.
Thank you. I am relieved.
Of course this won't mean that all add-ons will be compatible or won't need any code changes, but it seems that most of the add-ons won't need complete rewrites. Just basic adjusting.
Love this, but I would highly recommend looking at SASS/Compass as a potential alternative. LESS is fine if it's the only choice, but I hope it isn't. When the company I currently work for investigated which path to go down, some of the more valuable things we noted were:
  • The @ symbol already has level of importance in CSS while the $ symbol that SASS uses does not.
  • SASS has a great (all-in-one) companion in Compass. While LESS has serveral extensions you can use, it doesn't have an all in one solution.
It would be nice to have the ability to pick and choose your preprocessor, but that would mean that you would have to create a converter of sorts when switching since LESS cannot compile SASS and vice-versa.

Not trying to nitpick, but that's my $0.02 :)
There are lots of discussions/debate about which CSS pre-processor to use and for good reasons my personal favorite is SASS. One big concern I have seen in this regard that people are afraid of the Ruby dependency of the SASS. On the other hand LESS also requires external dependency of NodeJS, unless one is willing to use client side less.js library (which is only recommended in development mode). Another argument is about the syntax, LESS gives a syntax which is very close to the existing CSS, on the other hand SASS supports two syntaxes, SASS and SCSS where first one is full-featured preferred syntax and the later is the fallback which is very compatible with the existing CSS syntax and a good way to refactor the existing CSS code incrementally.

+1 for SASS+Compass please! :)
Good to know the position of the company regarding a CMS product, it's certainly a big project and should be treated as a serious and separate product with a corresponding price tag. However I do hope in the future it will be considered as sort of a 'large add-on' for the forum software. Maybe with the help from a third coder as done with the Media Gallery?
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