What's New Digest

What's New Digest 5.0.6

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For instance "Banned" or "Inactive" usergroups I created.

It will only attempt to send digest emails to valid users - it uses the built in User Finder routine XF\Finder\User::isValidUser to test this.

To receive a digest email, a user must be:
  • not banned
  • have a valid user state
  • (optionally) be recently active (this is configurable in the What's New Digest settings)

So a banned users won't ever receive it, and if you set a user to an 'inactive" user state, then they won't receive it either.
All my links in the newsletter are adding in "https://mysite.com/forums/" in front of the normal links so they look like this

Is there somewhere I can adjust/fix that?

That's a bit strange - it shouldn't be doing that. I don't prepend the site URL to the links - I have the XF core generate a canonical link, which takes care of that for us, so I'm pretty sure it's not my addon causing this.

Are there any other addons you have installed which might be re-writing or changing URLs?
Hmm, the email notification I received From xenforo for this thread did the same thing (but not on mobile) so looks like I have some kind of desktop issue I get to figure out.
Hmm, the email notification I received From xenforo for this thread did the same thing (but not on mobile) so looks like I have some kind of desktop issue I get to figure out.

Are you using some kind of ad blocker that is rewriting links? Or an antivirus?
in the widget list , which Widget key Required should i enter?

By the way this addon idea is amazing @Sim
. Cant wait to make it work on my forum
1. From the FAQ:

Q) How many threads are included?

A) Up to 10 "New" threads (ie created within the last week or last 24 hours, ordered by most replies), plus up to 10 "Updated" threads (ordered by most number of replies made in the last week or 24 hours).

2. I'm really busy working on porting all of my other addons to XF2 right now in preparation for upgrading my 8 sites - I will revisit feature requests once I have time to do so.
Hoping to for a future update where u can choose most viewed instead of replies (for those who have a forum with more lurkers than repliers lol)
I have this add-on on test mode, and I'm getting several notifications that it's going to other users?

To be clear, the email notifications are coming to me, but with several different usernames (separately)?
I have this add-on on test mode, and I'm getting several notifications that it's going to other users?

To be clear, the email notifications are coming to me, but with several different usernames (separately)?

Yes, in test mode, the system sends a limited number of emails (set by the "Test Email Limit" config option) exactly as they would be sent to an actual user - but it replaces the destination email with the address specified in the Test Email option (or if blank, the board contact email), so you receive them instead.

The intention is for you to see how other people would be seeing the digest emails.
Hi there. Just installed. The exclude option doesn't seems to be working for me when I test. Have it set on weekly and the test still shows threads in the excluded forum.
Hi there. Just installed. The exclude option doesn't seems to be working for me when I test. Have it set on weekly and the test still shows threads in the excluded forum.

I just tested it on one of my sites and can confirm it is working as expected.

Are you using the correct numeric forum id?

This is what I have:


... and this is one of the forum ids I'm excluding:

I just tested it on one of my sites and can confirm it is working as expected.

Are you using the correct numeric forum id?

This is what I have:

View attachment 288492

... and this is one of the forum ids I'm excluding:

View attachment 288493

Yea I have the ID right for the one forum I want to exclude.

Any chance you could walk me through how you test? I thought you set to test mode and have to wait a week for it to run.
Yea I have the ID right for the one forum I want to exclude.

Any chance you could walk me through how you test? I thought you set to test mode and have to wait a week for it to run.

I did some further testing and noted that the test tool in the Admin area was not respecting the exclude forums list from the options.

I've released a new version to fix that issue - see v5.0.5 linked to above.

Note that this did not affect the behaviour of the addon sending emails - that did use the exclude forums list correctly.

The test tool is in Admin > Tools > Test What's New Digest

Also, can you share where we can change the css for the email? For instance the font style, color, etc?

Thanks so much for all your hard work!!
Sorry if this was already asked, but is there a way we can change the # of days on our end?

No - I've just used the default forum definition of "recently active", which is 180 days.

I'll add it to the TODO list to make that configurable.

Also, can you share where we can change the css for the email? For instance the font style, color, etc?

Thanks so much for all your hard work!!

CSS for the email template is in whatsnewdigest_core.less - but be careful, this is simply included in the main core.less email template, so any changes you make may affect other emails unrelated to this addon.

It hasn't really been set up with customisation in mind.

You could override changes in the email templates for the addon - but I wouldn't be able to provide any support and you may break future updates if you're not careful about how you do it.
I would really like to see:

1) include or exclude forums (have done this for a client now with 30 forums, but digest should be only for 3 forums)
2) limit mails per hour like in dragonbyte's mailing-addon
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